Barn & unga

8 jul 2024

Nordic cooperation supports screening for domestic violence in the first 1000 days

Pregnancy and the first years of life are an important window of opportunity for screening for domestic and honour-related violence. In Swed [...]


19 jun 2024

Crises affect persons with disabilities harder – more accessible crisis preparedness is needed

When society faces an emergency, everyone is affected. Everyone has the right to be safe and to know what is going on. However, persons with [...]

Barn & unga

17 jun 2024

Unga har annan syn på psykisk hälsa än myndigheter

Psykisk hälsa är inte bara depression eller vårdens fokus på enskilda diagnoser. När ungdomsrepresentanter möttes och diskuterade psyk [...]


10 jun 2024

How persons with deafblindness experience art and music through touch – new honorary doctor

How do you experience art and music when one or two senses are lost? For individuals with deafblindness, their experience relies on the rema [...]


4 jun 2024

Holistic video analysis gives deeper insights into the communication of persons with deafblindness

New holistic approach helps create better understanding of communicative abilities and potentials in persons with deafblindness. “Everyon [...]


27 maj 2024

Accessible crisis preparedness will be highlighted at the UN COSP17

Accessible crisis preparedness and crisis communication are important factors when we build and strengthen society’s ability to prevent an [...]

Barn & unga

22 maj 2024

The Nordic Barnahus model examined in new book

The Barnahus model is designed to give support to children who have experienced violence and abuse, and make sure that they are not retrauma [...]


20 maj 2024

Mot bättre vård i livets slut

Ingen ska dö ensam. Den målsättningen slogs fast av riksdagen för 25 år sedan och sedan år 2006 följer Svenska palliativregistret hur [...]

Barn & unga

14 maj 2024

New report will analyse Nordic pupils’ councils during the pandemic

What can we learn from pupil’s councils and youth participation during the pandemic? Researchers from the University of Iceland have start [...]


7 maj 2024

Webinar: Knowledge sharing and networking in the social sector across the Nordic countries

The Nordic societies are built on a strong welfare model. Several structures in the social systems are similar, and so are the challenges. A [...]

Barn & unga

3 maj 2024

Nordic youth organisations invited to raise their voice on mental wellbeing  

What does youth need to increase mental wellbeing? That is one of the main questions that will be discussed when youth organisations meet fo [...]

Barn & unga

26 apr 2024

Spotlight on digital media and children’s and young people’s wellbeing

Children and young people spend a major part of their time online, and social media platforms are important parts of their social lives. The [...]

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