Funktionshinder | Nyheter



25 apr 2024

Personer med funktionsnedsättning drabbas hårt av ekonomiska nedskärningar

När ekonomin stramas åt får det stora effekter för personer med funktionsnedsättning. Hur illa är läget i Norden just nu? Och hur kan [...]


10 apr 2024

New publication about living with CHARGE syndrome

Our new publication Re-CHARGE – Voices about living with CHARGE syndrome, presents a series of case studies and interviews. One of the fea [...]


30 jan 2024

Nyttan av universell utformning går att mäta – men metoderna och utmaningarna är många

Universell utformning handlar om att från början skapa lösningar som fungerar för så många som möjligt. Men kostar det mer att utform [...]


9 nov 2023

New technology makes the labour market more inclusive, but several big challenges lay ahead

Persons with disabilities are employed to a lesser extent than the rest of the population. At an expert seminar in Copenhagen, solutions for [...]


6 nov 2023

Universal design – from visions to practice in everyday life

The visionary thinking of universal design, and the transition of the idea and values into practice in everyday life in the Nordic countries [...]


27 okt 2023

Nordic youth disability organisations ready to co-operate in a more active way

Young people with disabilities have many similar challenges in the Nordic region. There is also a strong will to co-operate towards more acc [...]


19 sep 2023

Accessibility, housing and jobs are common challenges for youth with disabilities in the Nordic region

The first Nordic Youth Disability Summit will be arranged this autumn. The summit gives youth disability organisations from the Nordic count [...]


9 aug 2023

Making Iceland more accessible one ramp at a time

Hundreds of new ramps are making shops, offices, and other establishments in Iceland more accessible. An innovative partnership for increasi [...]


22 jun 2023

Involving users is the key to better digital services for persons with disabilities

Successful co-creation of new digital services for persons with disabilities is possible, but including the users from the start of the proc [...]


30 maj 2023

Co-creating better digital solutions for people with disabilities

The Nordic countries are determined to find solutions for full and effective participation in society for persons with disabilities, and use [...]


24 maj 2023

Nytt material hjälper migranter med funktionsnedsättning i Sverige

Personer med funktionsnedsättning är extra utsatta när samhället skakas om och drabbas av en kris eller ett krig. Det har Rådet för no [...]


8 maj 2023

Parents crucial when children with deafblindness develop language

"Every time I went to a course aimed at professionals working with deafblindness I thought 'But this is what parents need to learn!'", says [...]

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