Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

Webinars & seminars

Preschool in the Nordic countries – an arena for the inclusion of parents and children with a refugee and immigrant background

The participation of all parents and children in society is important for a socially sustainable and inclusive Nordic region. Researchers and policy makers have long recognized the importance of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) programs. ECEC settings have proven to have both substantial short-term benefits and long-term gains as children start school and enter adulthood. Yet, overall, immigrant children have lower rates of participation in ECEC than their native counterparts.

At this webinar we launched a new report, presenting the Nordic countries’ national strategies and examples of innovative and successful ways to reach out to immigrant families. The report is part of the Nordic co-operation project on integration, initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Read more at


  • Hanna Sällemark, Project manager from The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.
  • Adeel Naseem, Consultant at the Foundation for Social Responsibility in Denmark – telling us about Baba. The aim of Baba is to strengthen fathers’ role in their children’s lives and education.
  • Mia Stavling, Deputy Head of Unit at open preschool in Stockholm districts Enskede-Årsta Vantör.
  • Merethe Løberg, project leader at the Nordic Welfare Centre and author of the report “Barnehage, en arena for barn og foreldres integrering i Norden, Børnehave – Päiväkoti – Leikskóli – Barnehage – Förskola”
  • Moderator: Kristin Marklund project leader at the Nordic Welfare Centre

The webinar was held on 15 June 2021.

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