Webinars & seminars
Migrant Women and the Nordic Labour Market – Challenges and Opportunities
The key aim of this webinar is to bring together researchers, policymakers and practitioners in search for good and sustainable solutions and to promote exchange of experience between the Nordic countries. The main questions are which policies and interventions would improve the employment rate for immigrant women who arrive in the Nordic region? And what are the best practices throughout to integrate female immigrants in the labour market?
The webinar is a collaboration between the Nordic Welfare Centre, an institution in the Nordic Council of Ministers´ social and health sector and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
Date: 28 April 2020
Kristin Marklund, Senior Adviser, Nordic Welfare Centre
Maria Hemström Hemmingsson, Head of Institutet för arbetsmarknads och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering
Bi Puranen, Secretary General, World Values Survey, Institute for Futures Studies
Alexandra Ridderstad, Head of Jobbsprånget at Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences
Moderator: Jens Berg and Helena Lagercrantz, Nordregio