About Us
This co-operation programme is designed to support the Nordic countries’ integration efforts by bolstering Nordic co-operation on the integration of refugees and immigrants through the sharing of experiences and development of new knowledge.
Project Goals and Objectives
The project serves as a Knowledge bank and a Nordic hub for development and exchange of experiences in the field of integration. We address integration in relation to various aspects of societal life: the labor market, housing, social services, and demographics. We present comparisons between countries, research on the effects of migration, and best practice examples. Additionally, we summon the latest news in Nordic and international migration policy and provide information on relevant seminars. The Knowledge bank serves as an idea bank and support the coordination of government authorities, municipalities, voluntary organisations, and the ministries.
Background of the Project
In the autumn of 2016, the Nordic Welfare Centre was commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers to manage the project “Nordic Cooperation on Integration” in close collaboration with Nordregio. The responsible Nordic ministers aim to promote increased knowledge exchange between countries, focusing on measures that facilitate integration and how immigrants and refugees can contribute to the development of the Nordic countries.
Nordic Expert Group
The project includes an expert group with 2-3 participants from each country. The participants work with integration at the central or regional level in their respective countries. The expert group focuses on labor market initiatives.
Contact Us for Support and Networking
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need tips on other actors or individuals within the field of integration who are working on similar issues as you. We regularly organize Nordic seminars on various themes where you can network and exchange experiences with colleagues from other Nordic countries. You are also welcome to reach out to us if you want to connect with our Nordic networks.
The multisectoral programme will involve all of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ sectors in a range of initiatives and activities, as well as several Nordic institutions.
The programme is based in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Department of Knowledge and Welfare.