Keyword: School

Children & young people

14 May 2024

New report will analyse Nordic pupils’ councils during the pandemic

What can we learn from pupil’s councils and youth participation during the pandemic? Researchers from the University of Iceland have start [...]

Children & young people

8 Jun 2023

Young people were deprived of essential parts of their youth  

“Young people have missed many important transition rites such as graduations, dances, or other celebrations such as festivals and concert [...]

Public health

14 Apr 2021

New report: School achievement and health development in the Nordic countries

Education plays a particularly important role in explaining health outcomes in the Nordic countries. Our new report aims to highlight knowle [...]

Public health

14 Nov 2019

Isländska och finländska unga känner mest press av skolarbete i Norden

Unga i Finland och på Island upplever mest stress på grund av skolarbete jämfört med unga i alla nordiska länder. Skolstressen är mer [...]

Disability issues

11 Jun 2019

Ingen ska lämnas efter – temat för nordiska FN-möten

I veckan pågår ett antal viktiga möten i FN:s högkvarter i New York. Syftet är att främja rättigheter för personer med funktionsneds [...]

Public health

4 Mar 2019

Schools can boost positive health among students

Positive health can be boosted among school students. In many parts of the Nordic region schools are implementing health promotion measures [...]

Welfare policy

10 Apr 2015

Skolan en viktig framgångsfaktor för fosterbarn

I rapporten "Barn kan inte vänta" har Nordens välfärdscenter sammanställt resultat från forskning kring barn i fosterhem med inriktning [...]

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