Our newsletters
Subscribe to our newsletters with news from our various areas.

Newsletter from the Nordic Welfare Centre
This newsletter, which is only available in Scandinavian languages, is published about ten times a year. We provide broad information about the welfare work in the Nordic region. The newsletter includes articles on the projects we are working on and information about new publications and upcoming conferences.
Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter 10/2024
Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter 9/2024
Nyheter från Nordens välfärdscenter 8/2024

Newsletter about public health issues
This newsletter, which is only available in Scandinavian languages, is published about six times a year. It contains information about our current seminars, projects and publications, mostly in the field of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. We also summarize the latest news from other organisations and media.
Nyheter från folkhälsoområdet 1/2025
Nyheter från folkhälsoområdet 6/2024
Nyheter från folkhälsoområdet 5/2024

Newsletter from the deafblind field
News from the deafblind field is published 3-4 times a year. We provide advice on our seminars and courses and tell what is happening in the activities.
The newsletter is published in a Scandinavian and a English version.

Update on child and youth policy and practice
This newsletter is published about six times a year, in English, with the occasional Scandinavian article. It contains the latest news about our network, projects and publications, and information about coming events in the field of child and youth policy and practice in the Nordic region.
Update on child and youth policy and practice 1/2025
Update on child and youth policy and practice 1/2024

Newsletter from the dementia area
This newsletter, which is only available in Scandinavian languages, is published twice a year. We inform about acitivities from our Nordic dementia networks, and about current seminars, projects and publications within the field of dementia. We also summarize the latest news about dementia, covered by media and other organisations in the Nordic countries.
Nyheter från demensområdet 4/2024
Nyheter från demensområdet 3/2024

Newsletter about active and healthy ageing
This newsletter, which is only available in Scandinavian languages, is published three to four times a year. We inform about activities from our project Age-friendly and sustainable societies in the Nordic region. The newsletter also contains knowledge about other Nordic projects, research and publication about healthy ageing.
Nyheter om aktivt åldrande 3/2024
Nyheter om aktivt åldrande 2/2024

Newsletter about integration of refugees and migrants
The Newsletter about integration of refugees and migrants is published approximately eight times a year. As a subscriber you will receive ongoing information about our events and webinars, new publications and good examples in the focus area from various parts of the Nordic region, as well as tips on current research and news related to refugees and migrants.
Nyheter från integrationsområdet 6/2024
Nyheter från integrationsområdet 5/2024
Nyheter från integrationsområdet 4/2024