Barn & Unga | Publikationer


Report -

Disability issues

9 Jan 2024

Nordic Youth Disability Summit 2023

The Nordic Youth Disability Summit is the Nordic Council of Ministers' annual collaboration meetings with youth disability organis [...]

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Children & young people

26 Oct 2023

Nordic youth voices – The pandemic and the right to be heard

Being heard and involved in all matters that concern them is important for children and youth. In this collection of filmed interv [...]

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Children & young people

15 Sep 2023

Children and Young People’s Participation During the Corona Pandemic – Nordic Initiatives

What measures and strategies for ensuring the participation and influence of children and young people were used in the Nordic cou [...]

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Children & young people

15 Sep 2023

Restricted Childhood, Interrupted Youth

How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact the lives of youth in the Nordic region? In this in-depth report, we dive into the pandemic's [...]

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Children & young people

21 Mar 2023

Child and youth participation during crisis – Recommendations for decision makers in the Nordic region

Every young person is entitled to be heard and involved in matters that concern them. But how can decision makers safeguard meanin [...]

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Public health

9 Sep 2022

How to strengthen the focus on children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure to help them lead a good life?

The primary focus of this report is the post-pregnancy period and the support and follow-up for children born with prenatal alcoho [...]

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17 Mar 2022

Leaving Boys Behind? The Gender Gap in Education among Children and Young People from Foreign Backgrounds 2010–2020: A Nordic Review

This report discusses the observed gender gap in education, i.e. that girls are performing better in the Nordic school system than [...]

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15 Jun 2021

Barnehage, en arena for barn og foreldres integrering i Norden: Børnehave – Päiväkoti – Leikskóli – Barnehage – Förskola

Formålet med denne rapporten har vært å se på hvordan de nordiske landene jobber for å øke graden av deltakelse for barn med [...]

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Disability issues

4 Feb 2021

See, listen and include – Participation for children and young people with disabilities in the Nordic countries

This report relates to the universal right of all children and young people to participate, to express their views and be heard in [...]

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Disability issues

26 Jun 2020

No child or young person shall be left behind

The vision of Nordic co-operation is to achieve the world’s most integrated and sustainable region by 2030. To succeed, it is vi [...]

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1 Apr 2020

Mental health and well-being of unaccompanied minors: A Nordic overview

Research and evaluation of specific interventions to support mental health among unaccompanied minors is sorely needed, according [...]

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4 Feb 2020

Tidiga insatser för nyanlända barn, unga och föräldrar i Norden – evidens och lovande arbetssätt

I rapporten beskrivs och analyseras insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i d [...]

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