Folkhälsa | Nyheter


Children & young people

8 Jul 2024

Nordic cooperation supports screening for domestic violence in the first 1000 days

Pregnancy and the first years of life are an important window of opportunity for screening for domestic and honour-related violence. In Swed [...]

Children & young people

17 Jun 2024

Young people have different views on mental health than authorities

Mental health is not just depression or the focus within healthcare on individual diagnoses. When youth representatives met to discuss menta [...]

Children & young people

22 May 2024

The Nordic Barnahus model examined in new book

The Barnahus model is designed to give support to children who have experienced violence and abuse, and make sure that they are not retrauma [...]

Children & young people

14 May 2024

New report will analyse Nordic pupils’ councils during the pandemic

What can we learn from pupil’s councils and youth participation during the pandemic? Researchers from the University of Iceland have start [...]

Children & young people

3 May 2024

Nordic youth organisations invited to raise their voice on mental wellbeing  

What does youth need to increase mental wellbeing? That is one of the main questions that will be discussed when youth organisations meet fo [...]

Children & young people

26 Apr 2024

Spotlight on digital media and children’s and young people’s wellbeing

Children and young people spend a major part of their time online, and social media platforms are important parts of their social lives. The [...]

Children & young people

28 Mar 2024

The Nordic Youth Summit is expanding to the Baltics

Lithuania will be hosting the first Nordic-Baltic Youth Summit. After two successful Nordic Youth Summits, the arena is expanding to encompa [...]

Children & young people

1 Feb 2024

“Leaders rarely talked to children”

“Decision-makers were poorly prepared to hear and involve youth during the pandemic.” That is what the majority of the 120 youth partic [...]

Children & young people

29 Jan 2024

Don’t cherry-pick a youth “alibi”!

Don’t just use youth to put a stamp of approval on decisions they weren’t part of! That is one of the five principles that The Norwegian [...]

Children & young people

6 Dec 2023

120 youth signed action plan for the future at summit in Iceland

Environment, education, and youth participation. Those were some of the most intensely debated topics when 120 young persons from the Nordic [...]

Children & young people

26 Oct 2023

Listen to Nordic youth, talk about their right to be heard in crises

Listen to Ester, Majli, Nameh, Olle and eleven more youth from the Nordics. In our new publication they talk about their experiences during [...]

Children & young people

23 Oct 2023

Creating inclusive student councils with power – learning from the pandemic

How can student councils be more influential during crises? And how can we make sure that they will be inclusive? Those were questions discu [...]

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