International cooperation

Public health

International Society of Addiction Journal Editors

The Nordic Welfare Centre’s journal, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD), is a member of the International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE) and is represented on ISAJE’s Board. ISAJE works to achieve the highest quality in scientific publication, with a particular emphasis on supporting the publication of research into substance abuse and addiction in low- and medium-income countries and in languages other than English. The Nordic Welfare Centre has been involved in the work on the third edition of the textbook Publishing Addiction Science which is a handbook for researchers in the field of dependency research. International Society of Addiction Journal Editors


The Nordic Welfare Centre coordinates the secretariat for the newly formed International Confederation of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Research Association (ICARA). This is an umbrella organisation for research associations in the field and aims to promote research into alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and addictive substances. ICARA 

Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being

The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) is a partnership scheme within the health and welfare sector between nine countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Finland and Russia), the European Commission and eight international organisations (including the ILO, WHO and UNAIDS and NMR). This cooperation, which has been ongoing since 2003, includes activities in four specific areas, which are coordinated by international groups of experts. NDPHS

The Nordic Welfare Centre participates in the Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (ASA EG) as the representative of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The group works to reduce the rate of alcohol-related injuries and prevent drug abuse and smoking in the NDPHS countries through cooperation and sharing knowledge and best practice between the countries. ASA EG

Alcohol Policy Network

The Nordic Welfare Centre participates in cooperation on alcohol with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and sits on the advisory group of the Alcohol Policy Network (APN), which is a European network for cooperation and the sharing of knowledge on alcohol policy issues. Alcohol Policy Network

Disability issues

The basis for international work on disability issues is the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The aims of this international work are to share Nordic disability policy solutions and experiences and to promote the exchange of experiences.

Council of Europe Committee of Experts

The Nordic Welfare Centre has observer status on the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on the Rights of People with Disabilities, DECS-RPD. The Committee of Experts works under the European Committee for Social Cohesion, Human Dignity and Equality.

Deafblind International

The Nordic Welfare Centre has a representative on the Board of Deafblind International (DbI). Deafblind International’s main mission is to promote the development of services for people who are deafblind in order to provide them with a good quality of life. Deafblind International

Welfare policy

European Social Network

The European Social Network (ESN) is a European network of over 100 member organisations in 34 countries that works on issues of public social services at local level.
A conference is held every year for social services managers from all over Europe. The Nordic Welfare Centre has organised a side event, Nordic Day, in connection with these conferences in order to present relevant projects or themes that are of interest to European attendees. European Social Network

School to Work

The Nordic Welfare Centre has been involved in the process to develop a flagship project within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The project is called “School to Work” (S2W) and this transnational initiative aims to reduce early school-leaving and to learn from one another about working with young people who are at risk of ending up in vulnerable situations. School to Work


Since 2014, the Nordic Welfare Centre has had a cooperation agreement with the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA). KIHASA’s main objective is to conduct systematic research on and evaluate national policies and programmes related to the areas of health care, social welfare, social insurance and population.

Cooperation takes place in the field of welfare technology and involves the exchange of publications, conferences and general professional sparring. KIHASA




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