From policy to labour inclusion in practice
Disability issues
1 Jul 2020
In December 2018, a unique seminar was held in Uppsala. For the first time, the Nordic Welfare Centre gathered major corporations and business associations to discuss the inclusion of people with disabilities and how the barriers for inclusion could be torn down. This report is a summary of what emerged.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Sustainable Development Goals set out in Agenda 2030 require the Nordic countries to create a labour market in which more people are given the right conditions to participate. A high employment rate is a cornerstone of the Nordic welfare model, and all the Nordic countries are dependent on more people finding employment to finance the welfare of the future.
In 2019, the Nordic prime ministers decided that the Nordic region is going to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. One of the three strategic priorities for 2024 is to promote a competitive and socially sustainable Nordic region though innovation-based growth and strengthened welfare.
At present, a large proportion of men and women with disabilities are excluded from the workplace in the Nordic region. This proportion has remained constant for a long period of time, and none of the Nordic countries have been able to produce a good answer for how to address this challenge. However, there are a number of major employers in the Nordic region with projects and programmes of their own to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.
The Nordic Welfare Centre’s third Nordic expert seminar on the labour market and disability, which took place in Uppsala in 2018, shows that these actors are looking to exchange experiences and establish networks, but that they generally have little knowledge of or contact with each other. Many employers view support systems as bureaucratic.