Welfare policy

Subnetworks within the field of dementia

Within the Nordic Dementia Network, there are knowledge-building subnetworks tha [...]

Welfare Technology

Quantitative follow-up of welfare technology implementation rate by Nordic municipalities

More and more people in the Nordic countries are being afforded opportunities to [...]

Welfare policy

Nordic network for age-friendly cities and communities

We are living longer in the Nordic region, and the proportion of older adults in [...]

Public health

Integration into the labour market of adults with addiction problems or substance abuse – a Nordic insigh

Adults with addiction problems and abuse of alcohol and other drugs may in some [...]

Children & young people

Nordic network about the child’s first 1000 days – a healthy start in life

The first years in a child’s life are important for laying a good foundation f [...]

Children & young people

Nordic cooperation on a safer digital democracy for children and youth

Children and young people spend a major part of their time online, and the inter [...]

Children & young people

Nordic co-operation on children growing up in families with persistently low income

Most children in the Nordic region grow up in families with a stable economy and [...]

Public health

Use of nicotine products by children and young people in the Nordic region

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that has many harmful effects on childr [...]

Public health


Dementia prevention in the Nordic countries

It is estimated that in the Nordic region alone over 500,000 women and men are c [...]

Children & young people


Nordic co-operation on children and young people’s opportunities for participation and development during the Covid-19 pandemic

There is a need to acquire more knowledge about how we in the Nordic countries h [...]





Nordic cooperation on integration

The project Nordic Cooperation on Integration is managed by the Nordic Welfare C [...]



Public health


Food and physical activity among older adults in the Nordic region

Healthy eating habits and physical activity have a positive impact on health, so [...]

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