Universal design, participation and democracy
Disability issues
Universal design means that society, goods and services are designed and function regardless of everyone's different needs and circumstances. In this project, we seek to promote an inclusive, socially sustainable society based on human diversity and which contributes to sustainable development.
To achieve sustainable development, the UN’s member states have adopted Agenda 2030 with 17 goals and 169 targets. The agenda’s goals promote social, economic and ecological sustainability in a world where no one is excluded. Disability and people with disabilities are explicitly referred to in several goals and targets.
The purpose of the Nordic project was to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences based on five targets defined in Agenda 2030. This was achieved by gathering knowledge and good examples of how Agenda 2030 has been implemented, as well as identifying methods that can support implementation.
Five Nordic dialogue meetings were held in collaboration with national authorities, attended by researchers and representatives of civil society.
Dialogue meetings were linked to the following targets in Agenda 2030:
- Target 10.2 Democracy presupposes participation, and participation requires universal design
- Target 11.3 Smart cities are universally designed cities
- Target 16.7 How participatory and representative are the public political systems in the Nordics?
- Target 17.7 User involvement and civic dialogues create better solutions for everyone
Disability issues
6 Dec 2023
Universell utformning och samhällsekonomiska analyser – En kartläggning av analyser och litteratur
Vad kostar åtgärder för ökad tillgänglighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning? Och vilken nytta ger åtgärderna? Vilka [...]