Nordic cooperation on integration
The project Nordic Cooperation on Integration is managed by the Nordic Welfare Centre as part of the Nordic Council of Minister’s themed initiative on migrants and refugees. The project has its own website.

Our goal is to facilitate Nordic cooperation in the area of integration.
We want to make it easier for those who work with refugees and migrants, both in finding up-to-date knowledge and gaining inspiration for new working methods. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like tips about stakeholders or individuals working on the same issues as you in the area of integration. We will be happy to put you in touch.
Nordic seminars are arranged on an ongoing basis on various themes so that you can exchange experiences with colleagues from other Nordic countries. You can also contact us if you want to get in touch with our Nordic networks.
In autumn 2016, the Nordic Council of Ministers tasked the Nordic Welfare Centre with responsibility for the project Nordic Cooperation on Integration in close collaboration with Nordregio. The responsible Nordic ministers wish to increase the exchange of knowledge between countries. The emphasis is on initiatives to facilitate integration and on how migrants and refugees can contribute to development in the Nordic countries.
The project’s purpose
The project is intended as a clearing house, a Nordic hub for development and the exchange of experiences gained in the area of integration. On the project’s website, we present comparisons between countries, research on the effects of migration and examples of best practice. We also compile fresh statistics and publish a selection of the latest news on Nordic and international migration policy, as well as tips on relevant seminars and conferences. Examples of current thematic areas include faster establishment on the labour market, newly arrived migrant children and families, antisegregation initiatives and the role of civil society in integration.
Nordic expert groups
The project currently includes two expert groups consisting of two or three representatives from each Nordic country. Delegates work on integration issues at central and regional levels. One expert group cooperates on labour market initiatives, while the other focuses on early intervention to integrate children and families.
17 Jun 2020
Learning to live in a new country – Civil society and integration – Nordic rural perspective
The Nordic countries have varying experience of receiving and integrating refugees and other immigrants into our societies. Settli [...]
24 Apr 2020
Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis of labour market integration outcomes
This report is an abridged version of the report Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis o [...]
1 Apr 2020
Mental health and well-being of unaccompanied minors: A Nordic overview
Research and evaluation of specific interventions to support mental health among unaccompanied minors is sorely needed, according [...]
4 Feb 2020
Tidiga insatser för nyanlända barn, unga och föräldrar i Norden – evidens och lovande arbetssätt
I rapporten beskrivs och analyseras insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i d [...]
10 Oct 2019
Segregation i Norden – om inkludering, unga och politik
De nordiska länderna är lika varandra på många sätt. De är glesbefolkade välfärdsstater som domineras av små och medelsto [...]
17 Sep 2019
Policy Briefs – Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets
The following policy briefs are excerpts from the report Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets: [...]
29 Mar 2019
The segregated city – A Nordic overview
Issues related to segregation and integration are major responsibilities and challenges for cities, and a segregated urban environ [...]
16 Oct 2018
New in the Nordic countries. Labour Market Inclusion of Migrants
This report sets out measures for achieving faster integration of refugees and foreignborn residents in the labour market in the N [...]
28 Aug 2018
Röster från immigranter i Norden – om att bli en del av samhället
Vad tycker nyanlända har varit viktigast för att komma in i samhället och bli etablerade? I denna publikation har vi låtit imm [...]
11 Apr 2018
State of the Nordic Region 2018: Immigration and integration edition
State of the Nordic Region 2018 Migration and Integration presents a series of facts and figures showing the current state of inte [...]
22 Apr 2018
Policies and measures for speeding up labour market integration of refugees in the Nordic region
It takes on average five to ten years for a refugee to find work in the Nordic countries. As social inclusion is closely linked to [...]
1 Mar 2018
School – a basis for successful inclusion
Between 2011 and 2016, nearly 200 000 children and young people arrived in the Nordic countries as asylum seekers, either unaccomp [...]
20 Oct 2017
Etableringsprocessen i de nordiska länderna
I denna rapport görs en genomgång av etableringsprocessen i de nordiska länderna. [...]
6 Nov 2017
Fler flyktingar fortare i arbete
Denna policy brief sammanfattar den kunskapsöversikt som tagits fram av Nordregio på uppdrag av projektet Nordisk samverkan om i [...]
10 May 2017
Greeting to the Nordic politicians and unaccompanied minors
In this booklet you will find information about society's reception of unaccompanied refugee children in the Nordic region, as wel [...]
18 Dec 2020
Nordiskt samarbetsmöte kring ensamkommande barn och unga
Den här konferensrapporten samlar erfarenheter som presenterades vid ett samverkansmöte med nordiska myndigheter, politiker och [...]
17 Nov 2020
Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in Nordic cities through policy and planning – Executive Summary
Nordic cities have traditionally been characterised by low levels of segregation and inequality. However, in recent years there ha [...]