Nordic indicators for cooperation on disability – Monitoring the implementation of UNCRPD and Agenda 2030
Disability issues
18 Jun 2021
No person with a disability shall be left behind. This report presents suggested indicators for monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability and Agenda 2030 in the Nordic region.
The vision of the Nordic cooperation is to become the most integrated and sustainable in the world by 2030. The vision mirrors the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030, according to which no-one shall be left behind. Persons with disabilities have the right to inclusion, and the Nordic countries monitor the developments of living conditions for persons with disabilities.
All countries have also ratified the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and have high ambitions with regard to Agenda 2030. Throughout the region we face similar challenges concerning inclusion. Participation is not equal, not in employment, nor in education, economy, or health. But to improve this we need to see it. Even if a set of indicators is not the only way forward, they can help us measure if we are on the right track.
In this report, we suggest a set of indicators that could be developed further and used to follow the developments towards inclusion and measure living conditions. By developing such a set of comparable indicators in the Nordic countries, we can see whether the countries separately and collectively follow the intentions of the UNCRPD to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities. The indicators are also an aid in the work to identify whether we are working correctly to achieve the Agenda 2030 targets.