Nyckelord: Utbildning

Rapport -


17 mar 2022

Leaving Boys Behind? The Gender Gap in Education among Children and Young People from Foreign Backgrounds 2010–2020: A Nordic Review

This report discusses the observed gender gap in education, i.e. that girls are performing better in the Nordic school system than [...]

Rapport -


25 nov 2019

Policy briefs to increase equality in health

This report contains three policy briefs on interventions that aim to increase equality in health. The policy briefs highlights su [...]

Rapport -


7 maj 2019

Education Policy for Health Equality – Lessons for the Nordic Region

In the Nordic countries, health is linked to educational attainment to a higher extent than to income. Studies have now shown that [...]

Rapport -


21 mar 2019

Konferensrapport: Jämlik hälsa i Norden

Det finns inga enkla lösningar för ökad jämlikhet och vägen framåt måste bygga på en genuin förståelse för hur olika de [...]

Rapport -


4 mar 2019

Adolescent Health in the Nordic Region – Health promotion in school settings

Positive health can be boosted among school students. In many parts of the Nordic region schools are implementing health promotion [...]

Rapport -


7 mar 2018

Nordiskt samarbete om högre utbildning och forskning om funktionshinder och mänskliga rättigheter

All the Nordic countries and autonomous areas have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Conv [...]

Rapport -


2 feb 2018

Experiences of inclusion and welfare services among Finnish Sámi with disabilities

This report is the fourth report out of five within a Nordic project about the living conditions of persons with disability and of [...]

Rapport -


18 aug 2016

When someone has to take charge

The theme of the study is young people in vulnerable situations in terms of education, work, participation and mental ill-health. [...]

Rapport -


23 sep 2015

Vi arbetar med unga i Norden

En kartläggning av institutioner, myndigheter och organisationer med fokus på psykisk hälsa, arbete och studier i Norden. [...]

Rapport -


19 maj 2014

Dags för studier – universitet och högskolor i centrum

Nordiska goda exempel på stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning under utbildningen och under övergången från utbildnin [...]

Rapport -


26 mar 2012


Arbejdstekst til brug i grunduddannelsen af personale, som arbejder med personer med medfødt døvblindhed. [...]

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