Nordic children – Early intervention for children and families
Welfare policy
11 Dec 2012
The report presents the project results from the two focus areas Relevant research concerning risk and protective factors and Promising example of early interventions in the Nordic countries.
The project ‘Early intervention for families’ project is a part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ efforts in 2011 and 2012 in the area entitled “Early preventive interventions for families at risk of social marginalisation”. As a consequence of this prioritisation, the Nordic Welfare Centre was commissioned to carry out this project. The aim is to disseminate research results and knowledge about good examples, and create Nordic networks.
The project has four focus areas: Relevant research concerning risk and protective factors, Promising example of early interventions in the Nordic countries, Expert group simplified access to services and Let the voices of children be heard!
The report Nordic children – Early intervention for children and families presents the project results from the two focus areas Relevant research concerning risk and protective factors and Promising example of early interventions in the Nordic countries.
Early intervention for children and families
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