For that which grows
Disability issues, Welfare policy
22 Sep 2013
Mental Health, Disability Pensions and Youth in the Nordic Countries More young people than before are at risk of long-term exclusion. Young people's mental health must be seen in relation to their prospects on the labour market, their situation in education and training, and social and economic changes of a structural nature in society. The issue of young people who are not in employment, education or training is attracting political concern and attention in all the Nordic countries. Youth guarantees and training programmes in various forms are examples of measures aimed at helping young people gain a foothold on the labour market.
- Introduction – Terje Olsen and Jenny Tägtström, Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues
- Development of mental health problems, educational achievement and labour market participation among young people in the Nordic countries – Sven Bremberg, The Swedish National Institute of Public Health and the Karolinska Insitute
- Young people, disability pension and mental illness – Arnstein Mykletun, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
- Young people and social exclusion in Sweden – Jonas Olofsson, Malmö University and Alexandru Panican, Lund University
- Young people left behind in transition from school to work in Iceland – Jóhanna Rósa Arnardóttir, University of Iceland
- Young people, mental health and exclusion, a Norwegian context – Cecilie Høj Anvik, Nordland Research Institute
- Is bullying equally harmful for rich and poor children? A study of bullying and depression from age 15 to 27 – Pernille Due et al., National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen
- Young people’s well-being in Finland in the light of the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort – Reija Paananen et al., Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
For that which grows
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