Report -

Older adults

7 Jun 2022

Active and Healthy Ageing: Heterogenous perspectives and Nordic indicators

The aim of this report is to emphasise why there is a need for a more heterogenous perspective on active and healthy ageing. A ran [...]

Report -

Older adults

4 Apr 2022

Indicators for Active and Healthy Ageing in the Nordic Region

Population ageing is a major demographic trend affecting the policy agenda in the Nordic Region, in Europe, and globally. The repo [...]

Report -

Older adults

5 Nov 2020

Att åldras i Norden

Inkludera fler äldre vuxna i arbetet med äldrefrågor, både på en lokal och nationell nivå. Den äldre befolkningen ska inte [...]

Report -

Older adults

15 Jan 2019

Skapa åldersvänliga städer i Norden

Vi lever allt längre i Norden och andelen äldre i befolkningen ökar. Det är en positiv utveckling, men innebär samtidigt stor [...]

Report -

Older adults

15 Mar 2018

A better environment to age in

In the Nordic region, life expectancy is increasing, and the elderly population is growing. It is of course a positive development [...]

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