National recommendations and guidelines in the Nordic countries
Social media’s impact on children and youth, age limits for social media use and screen time, are topics being debated in the Nordic countries. In several countries, governments have set up commissions and tasked authorities to examine the impact of digital media on the health, learning and well-being of children and young people, and to develop strategies and recommendations in this area.
Denmark was one of the first Nordic countries to develop national recommendations on the use of screens during leisure time. In June 2024, the Danish Health Authority published revised recommendations and guidelines for screen use during leisure time, which are directed towards children, adolescents and adults.
The National Board of Health in the Faroe Islands have issued recommendations on the use of screens for children and adolescents in December 2021.
In Finland the Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has published recommendations for young children’s (0-4 years old) screentime, but are now working together with the Finnish National Agency for Education to develop national rrecommendations for children’s and young people’s use of digital devices in their free time.
In June 2024, on the occasion of the Children’s Day, the National Board on Health and Welfare in Greenland presented national recommendations on screen use for pre-school children.
In Norway, the Norwegian Directorate of Health issued recommendations on screen use for children and young people based on the WHO guidelines in 2022. In 2024, the Norwegian government appointed a Committee, Skjermbrukutvalget, to evaluate how children’s and young people’s screen use in pre-school, school and leisure time affects their health, quality of life, learning and upbringing. The Committee presented its report Det digitale (i) livet, Balansert oppvekst i skjermenes tid in November 2024, recommending a balanced approach to the use of screens.
In 2024, the Swedish Government commissioned the Public Health Agency of Sweden to develop recommendations and guidance for children’s and young people’s digital media use. The recommendations consist of three parts: 1) General recommendations regarding sleep, 2) Age-appropriate recommendations for children and adolescents, and 3) Recommendations for parents about their own use. More detailed guidance with practical guidance for creating healthy digital habits has also been issued. The recommendations and guidance are based on the findings in the joint report by the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Media Agency – Digital media and children’s and young people’s health – A knowledge compilation.
In Åland, the Government of Åland has undertaken a knowledge review and analysis on children’s and young people’s digital habits and the link to mental health. The Government has also developed recommendations regarding the digital habits of children and youth, which are expected to be launched and implemented in 2025.