How to strengthen communication with ethnic minorities during crisis situations
26 apr 2023
In co-operation with the Nordic Council of Ministers, Rambøll has prepared a guide focusing on strengthening communication and information to citizens with ethnic minority backgrounds during crisis situations, with a special focus on health and integration efforts in the Nordic countries.
The report concludes that effective communication with ethnic minorities during crisis situations requires an in-depth understanding of the needs of the target group, including cultural norms. In addition, health authorities should use informal communication channels to spread the messages of a health intervention – such as football coaches, hairdressers, or schoolteachers. The guide contains six case studies describing effective communication and information efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, validated by representatives from the six case studies, experts and network stakeholders.
The report emphasises the importance of having a strategic and targeted approach to communicating with ethnic minorities during crisis situations, where trust and credibility are crucial factors for effective communication and information. It is also important to know where the target group typically receives its information and to be aware that such channels can act as a source of myths and misinformation.
The data collection is based on qualitative interviews with authorities and professionals as well as local stakeholders and networks in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The interviewees include a Danish network of ethnic minority doctors, the Finnish Red Cross (SPR), Caritas Norway and others.
Overall, the report is an important contribution to strengthening the knowledge base for effective communication and information to ethnic minorities during crisis situations in the Nordic countries. The report can be used as a tool in future communication and information efforts for ethnic minorities in crisis situations.
Read the publication Målrettet krisekommunikation til etniske minoriteter (in Danish)
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