High accessibility in our urban environments benefits everyone, not just the elderly or people with disabilities. But how do we build cities that are inclusive for as many people as possible?
Welcome to a webinar about smart and universally designed cities of the future. Participants include representatives from non-governmental organisations (NGOs), public authorities and other experts in the Nordic region.
We will present how Norway is working with universal design and age-friendly cities in smart city planning. We will also hear about a Norwegian national roadmap for smart and sustainable cities and local communities. Nordregio is going to tell us about the results of a new study, The right to access the city – Nordic urban planning from a disability perspective. Nordic cities will also present good examples and solutions for universal design and methods for better participation for persons with disabilities and elderly.
The webinar is hosted by the Nordic Welfare Centre in cooperation with the City of Oslo and the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs.