Welfare Technology
Welfare technology is all technology which in one way or another improves the lives of those who need it. The technology is used to maintain or increase security, activity, participation or independence for people with a disability or the elderly. The Nordic Welfare Centre works on several projects within the field of welfare technology.
Welfare technology is an important tool for, among other things, enabling the Nordic region’s 1,200 or so municipalities to handle the pressure and to continue to provide high-quality social welfare. There are quite large differences in how the Nordic countries use welfare technology. Everyone is agreed, however, that the technology is an important way to reduce the pressure on care and welfare.
We have developed a tool box which will facilitate the implementation of welfare technology projects in the Nordic municipalities.
Examples of welfare technology:
- For increased security: security alarm, mobile phone, mobile alarm with GPS function, video entry system and surveillance webcam.
- For increased activity and participation in society: rollators, electric wheelchairs, hearing aids, vision aids, Internet services, video communication, technical support for reminders and structure in everyday life.
- For a more independent life: mobility aids, cognitive aids such as medication reminders, products for remotely controlling the TV, lighting, automatic doors. Information and communication technology services (ICT services) and products that make shopping, banking and contact with the authorities easier.
- As support for relatives: ICT services that support communication with other relatives or care and welfare staff, hoists, auxiliary engines for manual wheelchairs and motion detectors.
- To support day-to-day life: mobile apps developed to support people in their day-to-day life, such as aids for people with impaired hearing or vision. Apps containing pictograms can help people with reduced cognitive function to communicate.

Integrated healthcare and care through distance-spanning solutions
The project Integrated healthcare and care with distance-spanning technologies focuses on how social services, primary care and specialist care in the Nordic region can be coordinated with the aid of remote solutions.
Integrated healthcare and care through distance-spanning solutions

Nordic research network with a user perspective
Health and welfare technology from a user perspective is a relatively new area of research in the Nordic region. In collaboration with the Nordic Welfare Centre, a new Nordic research network has been established, and the network currently consists of just over 70 researchers.

Quantitative follow-up of welfare technology implementation rate by Nordic municipalities
More and more people in the Nordic countries are being afforded opportunities to use welfare technology. But how many individuals in the Nordic region have digital services?
Quantitative follow-up of welfare technology implementation rate by Nordic municipalities

Healthcare and Care with Distance-spanning Technologies
We have mapped the entire Nordic region to find well-established examples of digital solutions that work. We do focus on solutions that have already been implemented and are being used within municipalities, county councils and regions in the Nordic countries.

Connect – tool box about welfare technology
We have developed a tool box which will facilitate the implementation of welfare technology projects in the Nordic municipalities.

Nordic think tank about welfare technology
Each year between 2014 and 2019, the Nordic Welfare Centre’s Nordic Think Tank for Welfare Technology addressed one specific welfare technology problem and published recommendations. In its final year, the think tank examined how welfare technology can be used to tackle the dangers of loneliness.