Creating an inclusive labour market
Welfare policy
27 Jun 2013
Creating an inclusive labour market - Inclusion of youths, people with disabilities and seniors (a summary). The Nordic Labour Market Inclusion project looks into what is being done and what has been achieved in the Nordic countries in order to include youths, people with disabilities and seniors.
High participation in the labour market is the cornerstone of Nordic welfare and high living standards. In all the Nordic countries, the goal is that as many as possible can participate in employment. Work provides identity and contributes to economic independence, participation and social inclusion.
In spite of great ambitions and achievements not all are doing equally well on the labour market in the Nordic countries. A large number of young people drop out of upper secondary education, and hence, many have trouble entering the labour market. People with disabilities have trouble getting work and many senior citizens leave the labour market early.
The Nordic Labour Market Inclusion project looks into what is being done and what has been achieved in the Nordic countries in order to include these groups. The project stresses, among other things, that the implemented measures have to be twofold: individually adapted as well as universal solutions.
Creating an inclusive labour market
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