Labour market integration of immigrant women and mothers – Nordic perspectives
As a part of the national event Integration 2024 in Turku, Finland The Nordic Council of Ministers arranges a session to discuss challenges and solutions to enhancing labour market participation among migrant women and mothers. How can Nordic countries improve labor market integration for immigrant women and mothers, and what lessons can be learned from case studies in Finland, Norway, Iceland, and the Åland Islands?
Four representatives from the Nordic Council of Ministers' Migrant Expert Forum, along with a representative from the Nordic Welfare Centre, will address and discuss current issues and challenges related to the labor market integration of immigrant women and mothers in the Nordic region. Research-based case studies from Finland, Norway, Iceland and Åland Islands will be presented. The lecture will feature a comparative discussion on the lessons the Nordic countries can learn from one another to develop effective policies and conditions that support immigrant women and mothers in advancing their careers, learning the local languages, maintaining their wellbeing, and expanding their social networks.
Participants in the duscussion: Nilay Kilinç, Dr. , Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki; Justyna Bell, Dr., Senior Researcher, Oslo Metropolitan University; Feyrouz Nouh, PhD Candidate, University of Iceland, Alyssa Bittner-Gibbs, NMEF Representative of Åland Islands; Kaisa Kepsu, project manager, Nordic Welfare Centre.
Read more about the Nordic Migrant Expert Forum.
Date and venue
This event is part of Integration 2024, that will take place in Åbo at Logomo on 14 November 9.45–16.30 and 15 November 9.00–15.30. The in-person event is full, but you can still register for the online event.
Registration for the online event is open until 2 November.
Integration 2024 focuses on the current themes in immigrant integration and refugee reception. Different regions and organisations do a lot of valuable work to promote integration. This is a national event that provides an excellent opportunity to share information and operating models and to form new partnerships.
The Integration 2024 event is organised by Southwest Finland ELY centre in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland and other partners.
You will find the full conference programme here.