Humour and playfulness within social cognition
Disability issues
“To share laughter with another not only reveals a moment of shared connection within a communicative partnership but may also reveal something about the cognitive processing abilities of the partners.”
In this webinar, we will explore the role that humour can play within the assessment of cognition. By examining instances of humour within interaction between a woman with congenital deafblindness and her communication partners we aim to highlight the complex cognition that is involved, and how this can be revealed through the bodily-tactile modality.
Jacky Smith from Sense Scotland and Jonathan Reid from The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland will explore their approach to cognitive assessment through the topic of humour and playfulness within social cognition.
Building on the book Revealing Hidden Potentials – Assessing Cognition in Individuals with Congenital Deafblindness, the Nordic Cognition Network in Relation to Deafblindness is giving two webinars this spring.
This webinar is based on chapter 2 in the book Revealing hidden potentials.
13.00 Welcome to the webinar
Introduction by Maria Creutz, Senior Adviser | Deafblind field, Nordic Welfare Centre
13.10 Humour and playfulness within social cognition
Jacky Smith, Communication Development Practitioner at Sense Scotland and Jonathan Reid, Sensory Impairment Co-ordinator at the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland
14.00 Short break
14.10 Panel discussion and questions from the participants
- Jacky Smith, Communication Development Practitioner at Sense, Scotland
- Jonathan Reid, Sensory Impairment Co-ordinator at the Health and Social Care Alliance, Scotland
- Kirsten Costain, Senior advisor. Statped southeast, Norway
- Vuokko Einarsson, Psychologist, The national agency for special needs education and school, Sweden
- Saskia Damen, Assistant Professor Inclusive and Special Needs Education at University of Groningen; Senior researcher at Royal Dutch Kentalis, The Netherlands
14.55 Summary by Maria Creutz
15.00 End of the webinar