Digital transformation in the public sector – older adults and staff as users
Older adults, Welfare policy, Welfare Technology
The webinar will present results of research and projects with focus on the user's experience and opinion of using technology from both older adults and staff.
What does the personnel think about working in organizations that are going through a digital shift? How are older adults involved in the process of using digital tools? To successfully support the use of health and welfare technology, it is necessary to understand the challenges it faces and the opportunities it provides from a user perspective including staff as a user group.
To this webinar, we welcome end users, policy makers and researchers as well as national, regional and local project owners in the area of implementing health and welfare technologies.
Examples from Finland and Iceland
During the webinar we will have a presentation from Finland by the researcher Merja Hoffrén-Mikkola concerning Finnish telehomecare workers’ satisfaction with the inclusion of telehomecare in older adults’ home care. From the telehomecare workers’ perspective, good interaction and trustful relationships with clients are important factors that produce good care and increase satisfaction with telehomecare.
We will also get a perspective from Iceland with focus on co-design and developing and using apps in the everyday care of older adults living at home.
During a short panel discussion will focus be on implementation of digital services and the need for involvement of older adults and staff in the implementation process.
Merja Hoffrén-Mikkola, Principal Lecturer, PhD, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Anna Sigríður Islind, Associate Professor, PhD, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Bengt Andersson, Nordic Welfare Centre