Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

Research shows that women born abroad who come to the Nordic Region have greater difficulty finding work than men born abroad.

The number of people in work in the Nordic countries is high compared to other nations, particularly the number of women. Indeed, a high rate of employment for women is one of the basic pillars of the Nordic welfare model. However, the employment gap between those born in the Nordic Region and those born abroad has widened.

The fact that it takes longer for newly arrived women to establish themselves in the labour market than it does men has been the subject of research at both national and Nordic level. The OECD has studied why a significantly smaller proportion of refugee women find jobs in the Nordic countries – not only in relation to those already living in the country in question but also compared to male refugees.

Several factors influence the job prospects of new arrivals, including their qualifications, previous experience and health. As far as all of these factors are concerned, women refugees tend to be at a disadvantage compared to their male counterparts. Many refugees come from countries with poor educational systems, particularly for women, and where levels of employment for women are low.

The combination of women taking more parental leave than men means that many women – particularly those with lower levels of education – are at risk of exclusion from the world or work. This group risks being locked into a welfare trap, resulting in a loss of personal autonomy, social exclusion and a greater risk of ill health.

Getting immigrant women into work is an important issue from both a personal and a socio-economic perspective. If the proportion of women born abroad with jobs were as high as it is for women born in the country concerned, GDP would go up, unemployment would go down, and public finances would improve. However, if the current trend continues, there is concern that the children of immigrant women could also be affected. Living in a household where the mother goes out to work has many other positive effects that the merely financial, e.g. it enhances the woman’s position within the family and improves her opportunities to influence and be a role model for her children.

The research indicates that a range of measures is needed to improve employment prospects for women born abroad:

  • Integration work should start as soon as possible, and there is a great need for outreach work
  • More training and employment courses are needed in sectors where women are predominant
  • Qualification systems and in-service training need to be adapted to meet the needs of women born abroad to a greater extent
  • Civil society has an important role to play in this work. Close collaboration between local authorities and civil society helps newly arrived women establish themselves, e.g. by building networks and helping them learn the language. The private sector can also help with social activities or mentoring programmes.

Under the Learning heading, we examine integration initiatives in different parts of the Nordic Region. All of these have proved effective in facilitating the integration of newly arrived women, and have led, directly or indirectly, to employment and the ability of women to support themselves. To the left, you will find research and news on this theme.

Here you find videos in which women born abroad talk about their experiences of finding work in the Nordic countries


Kvinna med sjal ser ut över havet

Story map about labour market integration of female refugees

Interviews, maps and facts about labour market integration of female refugees

Research on the theme


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4 Apr 2024

Ethnic diversity and labour market inclusion

This report provides an overview of ethnic diversity in the workplace in Norway, and the status for labour market integration among people w [...]

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23 Feb 2023

Starka mammor – Trygga barn

Asylsökande och nyanlända utrikesfödda mammor och deras barn är några av de mest utsatta grupperna vad gäller psykisk ohälsa, socioek [...]

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19 Sep 2022

Möjlighet och utmaningar till inkludering av utrikesfödda kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden och i samhället

En rapport om utbildnings- och forskningscirklar inom KLARA-projektet [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden


16 May 2022

Matchningsinsatser för personer som nyligen fått uppehållstillstånd

Slutrapport för Jämställd etablering [...]

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28 Feb 2022

Insatser riktade till utrikes födda kvinnor som står långt ifrån arbetsmarknaden och utbildning – en exempelsamling

I länsstyrelsernas regleringsbrev för 2021 står det att länsstyrelserna har i uppdrag att samla in och sprida goda exempel på uppsökan [...]

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8 Jan 2022

Försörjning med fördröjning – en ESO-rapport om utrikes födda kvinnors etablering på arbetsmarknaden

I Sverige har inrikes födda kvinnor en hög förvärvsfrekvens, men det gäller inte de utrikes födda kvinnorna. Kvinnor migrerar i högre [...]

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26 Mar 2021

Unga utrikes födda kvinnors etablering i arbetslivet

En analys av hinder och möjligheter [...]

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17 Mar 2021

Föräldraledighet: hinder eller möjlighet för etablering i samhället

Denna rapport är en del av SNS forskningsprojekt »Lärdomar om integration«, vars övergripande syfte är att ta fram ny kunskap om hur i [...]

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12 Mar 2021

Kvinnor som inte deltar i integrationsprogram

Målen med denna studie har varit att kartlägga kunskap om målgruppen kvinnor som ej deltagit i de nordiska integrationsprogrammen och att [...]

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30 Aug 2020

Matchningsinsatser för personer som nyligen fått uppehållstillstånd

Regeringen gav 2017 Arbetsförmedlingen i uppdrag att redovisa en handlingsplan för hur myndigheten ska öka andelen utrikesfödda kvinnor [...]

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18 Mar 2020

Aktiviteter för flykting- och anhöriginvandrare inom etableringsprogrammet

Under de senaste åren har ett stort antal flykting- och anhöriginvandrare kommit till Sverige. Samtidigt har tidigare forskning visat att [...]

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23 Nov 2019

Etablering efter etableringsinsatser

Denna rapport studerar hur det går för dem som påbörjat insatser i Arbetsförmedlingens etableringsuppdrag 2010–2014, med särskilt fo [...]

Maps and statistics

Immigration & development

8 Feb 2018

Old-age dependency 2015

Old age dependency rates are rising across the Nordic countries, and they are particularly high in remote rural municipalities. [...]

Immigration & development

8 Feb 2018

Female international net migration rate in 2015

This map shows the international net migration rate for females in 2015. International migration refers to the migration to and from abroad [...]

Immigration & development

8 Feb 2018

Foreign born female ratio in 2016

This map shows the ratio of male and female in the foreign born population in 2016 on municipal (big map) and regional level (small map). [...]

Examples of best practice for the theme

No examples of best practice found.

Seminars on the theme







Nordic Conference on Migrant Women and the Nordic Labour Market - Challenges and Opportunities

Welcome to the Nordic Conference on Migrant Women and the Nordic Labour Market - Challenges and Opportunities, 28 April 2020 in Helsinki. [...]







Invitation to Hybrid event: Which Nordic country is best at qualification and labour market integration for refugees?

The Nordic Council of Ministers and NIBR invites you to the launch of the research report Scandinavian integration policies for refugees: A [...]

News on the theme


18 Jun 2024

“Vägen till det nya samhället kräver mer kommunikation än information”

Vägar till jämställdhet och integration av utrikesfödda kvinnor på arbetsmarknaden var rubriken för ett nordiskt seminarium i Götebor [...]


14 Dec 2023

Conference in Iceland: Mental well-being as a key to integration?

Paola Cardenas from Reyjavik University (picture) was among 120 Nordic professionals that exchanged knowledge and experiences at a conferenc [...]


20 Dec 2022

Språkopplæringen må oppleves meningsfull

Når språkopplæringen gjøres relevant og gir mening til deltakerne, er det best sjanse for å lykkes. Innvandrerkvinner har behov for å [...]


20 Dec 2022

Dele erfaringer på godt og vondt

Det ble engasjerte diskusjoner langt over oppsatt tid da workshop om helsekompetanse og outreach til migrantmiljøer sto på agendaen under [...]

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