Links to organizations

The Government of the Faroe Islands
Last election was on the 31th of August 2019. On the 14th of September the Unionist Party (Sambandsflokkurin), the People’s Party (Fólkaflokkurin) and the Centre Party (Miðflokkurin) formed coalition and government.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture
Ministry of Foreign Affirs and Culture is responsible for education, research, culture affairs and foreign affairs.
Ministry of Social Affairs
The Ministry of Social Affairs is responsible for social policy, gender equality and housing policy. The Ministry prepares legislation concerning the state pension and a range of disability and ill health benefits. The Ministry makes policies encouraging disabled people and those with ill health to work and be independent, as well as understanding and dealing with the causes of poverty.
Ministry of Health
In accordance with the order on the division of jurisdiction, the Minister of Health is responsible for policy areas concerning; the Faroese Pharmacy Service, preventative health arrangements, health research matters, Nordic co-operation matters, councils and committees within the health sector, substance abuse, mental illnesses, institutions and regulation within the health sector, safety measures within the health sector and tobacco matters.

The Department of Social Services/Almannaverkið
Almannaverkið is the cornerstone of the Faroese welfare system. Its main function is to provide social services to our citizens. The Department also provides the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Faroese Parliament with professional recommendations regarding social services.
National Institute of Environmental Health/Arbeiðs- og Almannaheilsu


University of the Faroe Islands
The third pillar of the University of the Faroe Islands’ work is to disseminate information about its activities and the results of its other two pillars, namely higher education and research. This information is often aimed at specific target groups, such as future, current or former students, external researchers and other partners.
Statistics Faroe Islands
Statistics Faroe Islands is the national statistical authority of the Faroe Islands and as such publishes official national statistical data in so far as data is available. Other national authorities compiling statistics are required to coordinate such activities with Statistics Faroe Islands. Statistics Faroe Islands is an independent institute under the Ministry of Finance, which within the budget limits organizes its own activities.
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