Links to organizations

The Ministry of Social Affairs
The Ministry of Social Affairs has the responsibility for administration and policy making of social affairs and social security in Iceland as prescribed by law, regulations and other directives.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
The main areas of responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture are as follows: Education, science, culture, media, sports and youth.

The Directorate of Labor
The Directorate of Labour bears overall responsibility for public labour exchanges and handles day-to-day operations of the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Maternity and Paternity Leave Fund, the Wage Guarantee Fund and many other projects connected with the labour market.
The Directorate of Immigration
The Directorate is one of the divisions of the Ministry of the Interior. The main objectives are processing of residence permits, visas, citizenship applications and requests for asylum.
The Social Insurance Association
The Social Insurance Administration (Tryggingastofnun) is a governmental service institution seeing to the payment of pension insurance and social assistance.
Reykjavik City Department of Education and Youth policy on multicultural education and leisure
The department of Education and Youth primary role is to provide children and families in the city wholistic and continuous service to ensure good education and welfare of all children. The mission is to ensure the well-being of every student, consistent advance and a good education and upbringing for lifetime achievement.
Multicultural and Information Centre
The Multicultural Information Centre (MCC) supports integration and enhances services to immigrants and refugees living in Iceland through counseling service providers and providing immigrants with advice and information about their rights and societal obligations. MCC is also responsible for following developments on immigration issues, through collaboration with local and national authorities, research, and analysis of migration and integration related data.

Reykjavík City Human Rights and Democracy Office
Reykjavík’s Human Rights Policy is founded on human rights and the principle of equality. The principle of equality or the ban against disrcimination is one of the cornerstones of human rights.
Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network
The goal of W.O.M.E.N. is to unite, to express and address the interests and issues of women of foreign origin living in Iceland in order to bring about equality for them as women and as foreigners in all areas of society. The association is open to all women of foreign origin who live in Iceland.
InterCultural Iceland
InterCultural Iceland is a non-profit consortium which develops innovative educational initiatives and offers a broad spectrum of multi-disciplinary expertise and training activities. The main aims of ICI are to work against any kind of prejudice and discrimination by purposeful consultation and education and by offering practical teachers training.
Icelandic Human Rights Centre
The purpose and aim of the Center is to promote human rights by collecting information on and raising awareness of human rights issues in Iceland and abroad. The Center works to make human rights information accessible to the public by organising conferences and seminars on human rights issues and by providing human rights education.
Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue has offered instruction in over twenty languages for plurilingual children since 1994. The Sports and Leisure Council of Reykjavík and later the School and Leisure Department of Reykjavík have supported and have partially funded the program, as have other tuition waivers and grants. Volunteers and parents do the lion´s share of the valuable work.
Intercultural projects at Reykjavik City Library
Reykjavik City Library runs several intercultural projects where the goal is to promote intercultural competence in society through the arts, creativity, intercultural dialogue and multiple languages.
Café Lingua
Café Lingua is a platform for those who want to enhance their language skills, in Icelandic or other languages, a place to communicate in and about various languages as well as a gateway into different cultures.
The Women’s Story Circle
The Women’s Story Circle is a co-operation between Reykjavik City Library and W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland. A forum where women exchange stories, experiences and cultural backgrounds and take part in creative activities. The Women’s Story Circle also gives women who want to practice the Icelandic language the perfect opportunity to express themselves in Icelandic and enhance their language skills.

Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis (ICSRA)
The three key aims of ICSRA are: to advance and distribute knowledge on the social determinants of health, well-being and behaviour of young people, to enhance the quality of life of young people by improving health and well-being through the process of education and social change and to create a venue for collaboration of scholars.
School of Social Sciences
The School of Social Sciences is the largest school within the University of Iceland, and offers a multitude of academic programmes in six faculties.
University of Akureyri Research Centre
University of Akureyri Research Centre is an independent centre within the University of Akureyri. The main aim is to enhance the University of Akureyri’s research capabilities and to strengthen its ties to the local and national economy.
Statistics Iceland
Statistics Iceland is the centre for official statistics in Iceland and collects, processes and disseminates data on the economy and society. Statistics Iceland is divided into four divisions – economic statistics, social statistics, business statistics and resources.
Kommuner och regioner

Icelandic Association of Local Authorities
Icelandic Association of Local Authorities is the forum for co-operation between the local authorities. It was established in 1945 by 52 local authorities; since 1973, all local authorities in the country have been members of the association.