Guide for parents of children with disabilities – help and support
Disability issues
23 Feb 2012
This guide is in the first place addressed to parents who are expecting or already have a child with disabilities, in order to provide them with some general information about the basic resources of state and public help and support, in other words – assistance which can be offered by social, medical, cultural and educational institutions.
The guide will help you to find information according to the age of your child or information about services, measures to be taken during pregnancy and issues requiring your special attention after childbirth.
It looks at the upbringing and education of a child with disabilities at different stages of development. The guide describes the system of social protection for a disabled child and its family, and their basic rights and benefits.
You will also get information about the legal procedure for acquiring the status of a “disabled child”.
Guide for parents of children with disabilities - help and support
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