Nordic Seminar: Paths to Gender-Equal Integration
Foreign-Born Women’s Labour Market Participation is the topic for this seminar arranged by The Government Offices of Sweden, Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK) and Nordic Welfare Centre.
Time and place: Wednesday 12 june 2024 12-16 o’clock. Torgny Segerstedtsalen, Universitetsplatsen 1, Vasaparken, Gothenburg.
This seminar will explore paths to gender-equal integration by bringing together different Nordic stakeholders to discuss promising-practises and solutions to increasing foreign-born women’s labour market participation in the Nordic region.
It aims to facilitate knowledge exchange of Nordic integration policies, strategies and experiences to promote policy development in the Nordic region.
Women’s participation in the labour market is one of the main pillars of the Nordic welfare model. The Nordic labour market is characterised by a high-employment rate among women.
At the same time, there is an employment gap between women born in the Nordic region and women born outside of the Nordic region.
Research shows that a number of factors make it difficult for foreign-born women to enter the labour market, such as discrimination based on gender and ethnicity, difficulties to meet the Nordic language requirements and the requirements for education as well as unequal care responsibilities for the children and family.
Research also shows that foreign born women are disadvantaged in labour market programmes and receive fewer work-oriented support initiatives compared to foreign-born men.
Women’s labour market participation is important both from an individual and a societal perspective. For the individual, paid work enables economic independence as well as increased empowerment and financial freedom. Increasing women’s labour participation also contributes to economic and social growth.
Send mail to a.nordicseminar@regeringskansliet.se by 20 May 2024.
12.00-13.00 Networking Lunch:
- Seminar participants are welcome to take part in a networking lunch together with the Nordic Committé of Senior Officials for Gender Equality and LGBTI (ÄK-JÄM), the Nordic Network for Gender Equality in the Labour Market, the Nordic Network on Work against Negative Social Control and Honor Related Violence, the Nordic Network for Language Training at Ministerial Level and the Swedish Gender Equality Agency.
13.00-13.10 Introductory Remarks
- Martin Andreasson, State Secretary to Minister for Gender Equality and Working Life, Sweden
- Moderated by Lena Ag, Director General, The Swedish Gender Equality Agency
13.10-13.25 Key Figures on Labour Market Integration in the Nordic Region
- Kaisa Kepsu, Senior Advisor, Nordic Welfare Center
13.25-13.45 Integration Experiences in the Nordic Labour Market
- Annika Nordgren, Project Leader, Etableringslyftet
- Brakissa Soumahoro, Participant, Etableringslyftet
- Hédia Jmal, Intercultural Case Manager, Etableringslyftet
13.45-14:05 Foreign-Born Women’s Experiences of Barriers to Employment
- Bosse Parbring, Head of Division, The Swedish Gender Equality Agency
14.05-14.30 Nordic Integration Policies and Dilemmas
- Vilde Hernes, Researcher, NIBR, Oslo-Met
14.30-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-15.50 Panel Paths to Gender-Equal Integration
- Elin Landell, Inquiry Chair, Swedish Government Inquiries
- Anna Fatima Sambou, Entrepreneur, MunKamu
- Maria Holm Bækgaard, Development Consultant, Danish Red Cross
15.50-16.00 Concluding Remarks
- By moderator Lena Ag, Director General, The Swedish Gender Equality Agency