Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

For many decades, during several waves of migration, civil society has played a crucial role in the reception of refugees and asylum seekers in the Nordic countries.

During this period, the segregation of newly arrived migrants from different cultures and with different beliefs and levels of education has gradually increased, leaving integration as a recurring topic for debate.

How do we integrate newly arrived migrants into the majority society so that they can learn the language, find work and housing, obtain an education and enjoy a prosperous future?

Over time, integration policy in the Nordic countries has changed and been revaluated, while segregation and unemployment among migrants has increased. Civil society plays an important role in the integration of newly arrived migrants, making partnerships between civil society and government agencies a pressing need.

The aim of this focus area is to make Nordic comparisons of civil society’s role in the field of integration and highlight examples of successful methods and programmes in the Nordic Countries.

Under “Good examples from the focus area” we highlight the work of non-governmental organisations from various parts of the Nordic region. All have shown themselves to be effective in facilitating the integration of newly arrived migrants. On the left you will also find relevant research and current news from the focus area.

Learn more about the Nordic Conference on Inclusion n Stockholm, where we ask the question of how to create better conditions for civil society. We have invited researchers and key stakeholders in civil society and the public sector in the Nordic countries to join you in discussing how we can best harness the knowledge and energy of civil society. About the conference 


Research on the theme




23 Feb 2023

Danmarks modtagelse af flygtninge fra Ukraine – hvad har vi lært?

Rapporten fra den danske interesseorganisation KL, danske Røde Kors og DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp tegner et billede af en ekstraordinær si [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden


23 Feb 2023

Starka mammor – Trygga barn

Asylsökande och nyanlända utrikesfödda mammor och deras barn är några av de mest utsatta grupperna vad gäller psykisk ohälsa, socioek [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo.


9 May 2021

Who is left behind? The impact of place on the possibility to follow Covid-19 restrictions

While the Nordic countries have long been champions of equality, the Covid-19 pandemic has put a new light on societal structural injustices [...]

NVC logo.


18 Dec 2020

A study on the potential for introducing a Community Sponsorship Program for Refugees in Sweden

Scoping report prepared for UNHCR’s Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries. [...]

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22 Jun 2020

Learning to live in a new Country – everyday social integration: Civil society and integration – Nordic rural perspective

In this paper we focus on three of the main ways civil society can play a role in the integration of refugees and immigrants. [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden

Social work

25 Jan 2020

Utveckla idéburet offentligt partnerskap

Under 2017 har SKL tillsammans med engagerade kommuner, landsting/regioner och samverkande organisationer i civilsamhället skapat lokala oc [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden


23 Nov 2019

Med migranternas röst. Den subjektiva integrationen

Under hösten 2018 genomfördes drygt 6 500 enkätintervjuer med människor i hela Sverige som är födda i de vanligaste ursprungsländerna [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden

Social work

24 Sep 2019

Flyktingmottagandet – det civila samhällets roll och villkor

Rapporten visar att det civila samhällets organisationer och föreningar har ett stort engagemang och en stor drivkraft i arbetet kring fly [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo.


16 May 2019

Veje til beskæftigelse for flygtninge-og indvandrerkvinder: En guide baseret på den aktuelt bedste viden fra de nordiske lande

Dette er en guide, som giver viden om gode metoder, værktøjer og tiltag, der kan få indvandrerkvinder i arbejde. [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo.


26 Apr 2019

Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis of labour market integration outcomes

This report has been commissioned by the Labour Market Committee of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The chief aim is to provide policy-rele [...]



24 Oct 2018

Fra flygtning til kollega – status og nye perspektiver på den arbejdsmarkedsrettede integration af flygtninge

Formålet med rapporten har været at samle eksisterende og ny viden om integration af flygtninge på arbejdsmarkedet i Danmark. [...]

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19 Oct 2018

New in the Nordic countries. Labout Market Inclusion of Migrants

This report sets out measures for achieving faster integration of refugees and foreignborn residents in the labour market in the Nordic Regi [...]

Maps and statistics

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Examples of best practice for the theme

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Seminars on the theme







Nordic Conference on Inclusion

Alla är eniga: civila samhället är en oumbärlig resurs när det gäller att skapa delaktighet och inkludera flyktingar och nyanlända. M [...]

News on the theme

Social work

19 Sep 2023

Ny bog beretter om de frivilliges rolle efter det danske paradigmeskifte

Ny bog: Forskningsprojekt belyser konsekvenser af det såkaldte paradigmeskifte i dansk udlændingepolitik for fagfolk og frontmedarbejdere, [...]


12 May 2022

Så kan ukrainska flyktingar få hjälp

EU:s massflyktsdirektiv innebär att Sveriges myndigheter behövt anpassa vilka stöd och insatser som kan användas. Arbetsförmedlingen se [...]

Social work

25 Feb 2022

Frivillige venner viser vej til job og deltagelse i samfundslivet

Flygtninge bliver bedre til dansk, forbedrer deres beskæftigelsessituation og deltager mere aktivt i samfundet, når de har en frivillig ve [...]


6 Dec 2021

Partnerskapsplattform – samarbetsyta för aktörer inom integration och flyktingmottagning

Partnerskapsplattformen är en interaktiv, digital och gemensam samarbetsyta för aktörer, sakkunniga, intressentgrupper och nätverk inom [...]

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