Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis of labour market integration outcomes
26 Apr 2019
This report has been commissioned by the Labour Market Committee of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The chief aim is to provide policy-relevant knowledge by conducting a comparative analysis of refugee labour-market integration in Scandinavia.
Instead of focusing on the well-known employment gap or the fiscal impact of refugee unemployment, this study investigates the divergent impacts of integration programs and settlement policies for refugees from different backgrounds. Through longitudinal comparative analysis, this study examines the labour-market integration of refugees in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, searching for explanations of crossnational differences by combining statistical analyses with in-depth analyses of national policies and governance structures. We analyse participants in the integration programme from co-horts that hold residence permits and were settled in a municipality from 2008 to 2016, and we examine both their transition to employment and education enrolment as a dependent variable.
Authors: Hernes, Vilde, Arendt, Jacob Nielsen, Joona, Pernilla Andersson, Tronstad, Kristian Rose