Revealing hidden potentials – Assessing cognition in individuals with congenital deafblindness
Funksjonshinder, Døvblindhet
24 aug 2020
This book presents varying assessment purposes, procedures and analytic approaches for professionals who are involved in making examinations and assessments of cognition in cases of congenital deafblindness in both children and adults.
People with congenital deafblindness often have hidden cognitive potential that those around them fail to detect. This can lead to missing out on communication, or not even having the opportunity to develop a tactile language. A professional assessment of the cognition may reveal latent abilities and with suitable strategies the person with congenital deafblindness can develop their full potential.
The book is aimed at professionals who are involved in making examinations and assessments of cognition in cases of congenital deafblindness in both children and adults. It is also an important contribution to further research in this area.
This manual is the result of a collaboration in The Nordic network on Cognition in Relation to Deafblindness. The authors are involved in the network with the aim of developing knowledge about deafblind-specific assessment of cognition.
Chapter 9 in this book is a short version of the report Psychological assessment in individuals with deafblindness, which can be read in it’s entirety here.