Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

Integration of newly arrived children and families

Around 200,000 child and adolescent new arrivals or unaccompanied refugee minors came to the Nordic region during the period 2011–2016. The vast majority came with their family or with another relative with responsibility for them.

There is a considerable need for knowledge about the reception and handling of new arrivals in the respective countries – and what we can learn from each other.

Early interventions and support to the families are important if we want newcomers to take part in the society. The Nordic countries as a region have excellent capacity for investing in early interventions for successful inclusion.

Here we highlight examples of successful methods and programmes that support newly arrived children, unaccompanied minors and families.

Research on the theme


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25 Sep 2023

Ny rapport: Hvordan går det med integrationen i Norge?

Det norske Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratets (IMDi) indikatorrapport for 2023 giver et billede af, hvordan indvandrere og deres børn [...]

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23 Feb 2023

Introduction Measures for Newly-Arrived Migrants

The report presents a set of considerations for policy makers in designing introduction measures for newly-arrived immigrants and includes a [...]

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23 Feb 2023

Norskinnlæring, faglig utvikling og nye venner – er det mulig på samme tid?

Rapporten omhandler organisering, andrespråksdidaktiske praksiser, lærerkompetanse, tiltak for sosial inkludering og erfaringer med ulike [...]

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22 Sep 2022

Integration bland unga – En mangkulturell generation växer upp

Sverige har, på bara ett par tre decennier, blivit ett multietniskt samhälle. Bland unga idag, som bygger framtidens Sverige, har mer än [...]

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18 Mar 2022

Leaving Boys Behind? The Gender Gap in Education among Children and Young People from Foreign Backgrounds 2010–2020: A Nordic Review

This report discusses the observed gender gap in education, i.e. that girls are performing better in the Nordic school system than boys, wit [...]

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18 Mar 2022

This report stems from the Mutual Learning Conference on ‘The integration of migrants: Spotlight on skills intelligence and learning, hous [...]

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10 Nov 2021

Integration – gymnasiebetyg, vidare studier och arbetsmarknad

Syftet med denna rapport är att studera utbildningsvägar, sysselsättning och inkomst efter avslutade gymnasiestudier för unga med olika [...]

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Unaccompanied young

16 Sep 2021

Ensamkommande barn och unga som försvinner – Samverkansplan och rutiner för Stockholms län

Många ensamkommande ungdomar försvinner ur våra mottagningssystem och andelen har inte minskat trots färre antal ensamkommande ungdomar [...]


Social work

1 Jul 2021

Baba – fordi far er vigtig En evaluering af udbredelse og forankring

Fædre med indvandrerbaggrund kan have vanskeligt ved at finde ud af, hvilke forventninger det danske samfund har til dem. Derfor blev indsa [...]

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7 Jun 2021

Ungas uppväxtvillkor och integration

Antalet svenska barn och unga som är födda i andra länder, eller som har föräldrar som är födda utanför Sverige, har ökat kraftigt [...]

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Unaccompanied young

24 May 2021

Final Report from Knowledge Centre for Unaccompanied Children

In March 2017, the National Board of Health and Welfare was tasked with establishing a knowledge centre for issues related to unaccompanied [...]

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Unaccompanied young

1 Mar 2021

Slutrapport från Kunskapscentrum för ensamkommande barn

I mars 2017 fick Socialstyrelsen i uppdrag att inrätta ett kunskapscentrum för frågor som rör ensamkommande barn och unga (S2017/01863/F [...]

Maps and statistics

Unaccompanied young

15 Mar 2018

Unaccompanied minors per 1000 children 2015

In 2015 more than 45000 unaccompanied minors sought asylum in the Nordic countries. The map shows the reception of unaccompanied minors per [...]

Unaccompanied young

15 Mar 2018

Unaccompanied minors in 2015

In 2015 more than 45000 unaccompanied minors sought asylum in the Nordic countries. This map shows the number of the unaccompanied minors on [...]

Unaccompanied young

15 Mar 2018

Unaccompanied minors according to country of origin in 2015

This map shows the countries of origin of unaccompanied minors to countries in the Nordic region in 2015. It includes the five largest in-fl [...]

Unaccompanied young

15 Mar 2018

Unaccompanied minors per 1000 inhabitants 2015

In 2015 more than 45000 unaccompanied minors sought asylum in the Nordic countries. This map shows their distribution across the Nordic muni [...]

Immigration & development

15 Mar 2018

Youth population 2016

Population aged 15-29 as a share of the total population in 2016. [...]

Examples of best practice for the theme

No examples of best practice found.

Seminars on the theme






Unaccompanied young

Nordic Day 2018: Early intervention contributes to successful integration

Around 200 000 child and adolescent asylum seekers came to the Nordic region between 2011 and 2016. Although most came with their families, [...]







Leaving boys behind? The education gap between boys and girls with a foreign background in the Nordic countries

Den 17 mars lanserar vi en nordisk rapport om skillnaderna mellan flickors och pojkars skolresultat i de fem nordiska länderna. I rapporten [...]

News on the theme


25 Sep 2023

Hvordan går det med integrationen i Norge?

Hvordan går det for indvandrerne og deres børn? Norsk årsrapport analyserer status indenfor bl.a. arbejdsmarked, uddannelse og politisk o [...]


24 Feb 2023

Starka mammor – trygga barn

Asylsökande och nyanlända utrikesfödda mammor och deras barn är några av de mest utsatta grupperna vad gäller psykisk ohälsa, socioek [...]


25 Sep 2022

Situationen för ukrainska skolbarn i Norden

Närmare hälften av de ukrainska flyktingarna som kommit till Norden är barn. Än så länge är det långt ifrån alla av dem som börjat [...]

Social work

14 Sep 2022

Watch our webbinar on September 27

Equal opportunities for children of foreign origin with developmental disorders. [...]

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