The Nordic countries and Russia's invasion of Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered one of the fastest-growing refugee crises in Europe since World War II. The Nordic countries have clearly stated that they are willing to help in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe.
Refugees from Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered one of the fastest-growing refugee crises in Europe since World War II. The Nordic countries have clearly stated that they are willing to help in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe.
After one month of war in Ukraine UNHCR estimate that 3.7 million people have been forced to flee Ukraine and 6.5 million are internally displaced inside the country. Most refugees have entered Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova. The rest of Europe is ready to help people with urgent humanitarian needs.
Historic decision
On March 4, 2022, the EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive Mass Refugee Directive for the first time ever.
The Directive means that refugees from Ukraine will be granted temporary residence permits in the EU for at least one year, with the possibility of an extension for an additional two years. Persons who have been granted a residence permit under the Directive can also later choose to apply for asylum.
The Directive gives access to employment, social welfare, medical healthcare and education for minors.
More than half of Ukraine’s children displaced after one month of war
The war has led to the displacement of 4.3 million children – more than half of the country’s estimated 7.5 million child population, according to figures from the UN’s refugee agency. This includes more than 1.8 million children who have crossed into neighbouring countries as refugees and 2.5 million who are now internally displaced inside Ukraine.
“The war has caused one of the fastest large-scale displacements of children since World War II,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “This is a grim milestone that could have lasting consequences for generations to come. Children’s safety, well-being and access to essential services are all under threat from nonstop horrific violence.” (UNCHR)
The Nordic Governments are now taking measures aimed at supporting municipalities receiving children fleeing Ukraine. The Swedish National Agency for Education, for example, have received several assignments in the purpose of preparing preschools and schools for the reception of Ukrainian children. (Swedish Government)
Under this theme we have gathered news and statistics about the Nordic countries’ response to the migration crisis. Under “Best practice” we highlight civil society organisations that play a key role in the reception of refugees.
Research on the theme
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Danmarks modtagelse af flygtninge fra Ukraine – hvad har vi lært?
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3 Nov 2022
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30 Jun 2022
Massflyktsdirektivet aktiveras – Tillfälligt skydd i Sverige
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13 May 2022
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7 Apr 2022
Ukrainian refugees and the Nordics
On 24 February, Russia invaded its neighbour, Ukraine. This has resulted in the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two. Millio [...]
23 Mar 2022
Hur många kommer fly från Ukraina och vilka EU-länder kommer de söka sig till?
Tre veckor efter att Ryssland invaderade Ukraina har fler än tre miljoner människor flytt från kriget. Kunskap och prognoser om migration [...]
Maps and statistics
Examples of best practice for the theme
No examples of best practice found.
Seminars on the theme
Invitation to Hybrid event: Which Nordic country is best at qualification and labour market integration for refugees?
The Nordic Council of Ministers and NIBR invites you to the launch of the research report Scandinavian integration policies for refugees: A [...]
News on the theme
26 Jun 2024
Nordic countries have different approaches to Ukrainian refugees
Sweden has moved away from its historically liberal path and towards a more restrictive one. This is one conclusion in a NIBR policy brief. [...]
5 Feb 2024
Europe moves towards more restrictive, selective and temporary refugee policies
A comparative analysis maps the trend for governance structures and policies for integration in eight european countries from 2015-2023. A " [...]
1 Nov 2023
Language is a key factor in the employment of Ukrainians in Finland
A survey of Ukrainians granted temporary protection shows that lack of language skills is the main obstacle to employment. [...]
28 Mar 2023
Ukrainian migrant women are not just powerless victims
Pictures in media of mothers crossing the border, representing the victims of the war, has aroused sorrow and pity in audiences. But forced [...]