Rapport -
13 jan 2022
Outreach and dissemination of public information to immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated the need for public authorities to be prepared for situations where there is a need for communi [...]
Rapport -
25 nov 2019
Policy briefs to increase equality in health
This report contains three policy briefs on interventions that aim to increase equality in health. The policy briefs highlights su [...]
Rapport -
28 okt 2019
Policies to address the social determinants of health in the Nordic countries
How do the Nordic countries apply a comprehensive approach to address social inequalities? In our new study we focus on the explic [...]
Rapport -
14 jun 2019
Cross-sectoral cooperation at the ministerial level – with a focus on health inequalities
Differences in health between social groups have increased in the Nordic countries during the last decades. Therefore, the governm [...]
Rapport -
10 maj 2019
Indicators for health inequality in the Nordic countries
Social inequalities in health in the Nordic countries persist and may even be growing. Our new report identifies a list of indicat [...]
Rapport -
7 maj 2019
Summary: Education Policy for Health Equality – Lessons for the Nordic Region
The report Education Policy for Health Equality: Lessons for the Nordic Region (2019), analyses how education policy is likely to [...]
Rapport -
7 maj 2019
Education Policy for Health Equality – Lessons for the Nordic Region
In the Nordic countries, health is linked to educational attainment to a higher extent than to income. Studies have now shown that [...]
Rapport -
21 mar 2019
Konferensrapport: Jämlik hälsa i Norden
Det har publicerats många rapporter om ökade sociala klyftor de senaste åren. Det finns inga enkla lösningar för ökad jämli [...]
Rapport -
1 feb 2018
Unga mäns hälsa i de nordiska länderna
Den socialt betingade ojämlikheten i hälsa har tilltagit under de senaste decennierna. Den här utvecklingen har särskilt drabb [...]