Nøgleord: Arbejdsmarked

Rapport -


5 feb 2024

Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems in the Nordic countries

How are adults who have a problematic use of alcohol and/or other substances integrated into the labour market? This question is t [...]

Rapport -


13 dec 2023

Employers’ perspectives on hiring immigrants – Experiences from the Nordic countries

This report dives into the perspectives of Nordic employers on hiring low-skilled immigrants. Its objective is to uncover both opp [...]

Rapport -


14 jun 2023

Barriers to employment for vulnerable groups in the Nordic countries

This report is a knowledge overview on employment barriers that vulnerable groups face in the Nordic countries. The groups includ [...]

Rapport -


24 mar 2021

Ny teknik och digitala lösningar för ökad inkludering i arbetslivet

Personer med funktionsnedsättning har lägre sysselsättningsgrad jämfört med övriga befolkningen och möter också större ut [...]

Rapport -


24 apr 2020

Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis of labour market integration outcomes

This report is an abridged version of the report Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis o [...]

Rapport -


25 nov 2019

Policy briefs to increase equality in health

This report contains three policy briefs on interventions that aim to increase equality in health. The policy briefs highlights su [...]

Rapport -


17 sep 2019

Policy Briefs – Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets

The following policy briefs are excerpts from the report Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets: [...]

Rapport -


6 jul 2017

Fra like rettigheter til like muligheter

Denne rapporten er utarbeidet av Nordens velferdssenter (NVC) på grunnlag av Det andre nordiske ekspertseminaret om arbeidsliv og [...]

Rapport -


2 jan 2017

Sjukskrivning och genus i Norden

Nordens välfärdscenters skrift Sjukskrivning och genus i Norden - vad vi vet och vad vi inte vet är en forskningssammanställni [...]

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