Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

The impact of COVID-19’s on the integration efforts in the Nordics

How are the national, civil society and local actors addressing the challenges and opportunities of immigrant integration in the Nordic countries?

Inequality has emerged more clearly in the wake of the pandemic. Recent research has already shown that segregation and overcrowded or cramped housing situation has contributed to unequal spread of the infection and that unemployment has increased to varying degrees among different population groups. It is still unclear what significance COVID-19 has in the long term, for example, for migrants’ opportunities to acquire and keep a job, how newly arrived children will be affected by distance learning, or to what extent mental illness will increase because of the pandemic.

We have gathered recent research and knowledge about the effects of the pandemic for refugees and immigrants in the Nordic countries. Under “Examples of best practice” you will find a sample of civil society organizations that have played an important role during the pandemic .


Research on the theme


NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden


1 Nov 2021

The unequal(?) burden of unemployment in Sweden during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures enforced to combat it have led to a decline in economic activity unprecedented sinc [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo.


20 Oct 2021

Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets – The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has made social and economic inequalities even more pronounced in the Nordic countries. In all countries, foreign-born [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Norway


5 Jul 2021

Evaluering av integreringspakke I og midlertidig lov

NIBR har gjennomført en evaluering av integreringspakke I og midlertidig lov med tilpasninger til introduksjonsloven (‘midlertidig lov’ [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Norway


28 Jun 2021

Innvandrerbefolkningen under koronapandemien

Det er sammensatte årsaker til at enkelte innvandrergrupper har vært overrepresentert i statistikken for smitte og innleggelser under pand [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Norway


28 Jun 2021

Innvandrerbefolkningen under koronapandemien

Det er sammensatte årsaker til at enkelte innvandrergrupper har vært overrepresentert i statistikken for smitte og innleggelser under pand [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo.


9 May 2021

Who is left behind? The impact of place on the possibility to follow Covid-19 restrictions

While the Nordic countries have long been champions of equality, the Covid-19 pandemic has put a new light on societal structural injustices [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Norway


12 Feb 2021

Informasjon og tiltak rettet mot innvandrerbefolkningen i forbindelse med Covid-19 – del 2

Rapporten presenterer resultater fra en kartlegging av informasjonstiltak fra offentlige myndigheter og frivillige organisasjoner overfor in [...]



25 Sep 2020

Corona rammer skævt – etnicitet og smitte

En række parametre gør, at etniske minoriteter kan være særligt sårbare under en viruspandemi. Denne rapport ser nærmere på nogle af [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. NVC logo. Sweden


14 Sep 2020

Coronapandemins påverkan för arbetet mot segregation

Lägesbilder och förslag till fortsatt arbete [...]

Maps and statistics

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Examples of best practice for the theme

No examples of best practice found.

Seminars on the theme







Migrants and the Nordic Labour Market: In the Shadow of the Pandemic

The labour market integration of immigrants has been a major political concern in the Nordic countries. Already before the COVID-19 pandemic [...]







Segregation, Covid-19 and living conditions - myths meet research

Why has the pandemic hit immigrant groups the hardest? The media picture and the political argumentation in for example Denmark, claim that [...]

News on the theme


1 Nov 2021

Arbetslösheten fördelades ojämnt under den första vågen av covid-19-pandemin

Under den första pandemivåren 2020 försämrades situationen på arbetsmarknaden mest för yngre och utrikes födda. Det visar en ny rappo [...]


20 Oct 2021

Dramatiska konsekvenser på arbetsmarknaden till följd av coronavirusets spridning

Konsekvenserna på arbetsmarknaden av coronavirusets spridning är dramatiska. Mot den bakgrunden utlyser Dua nu statsbidrag (2020:2) för k [...]


20 Oct 2021

Latest update on the Corona virus in 25 languages

Danish Refugee Council has established a telephone hotline and website, where immigrants and refugees in Denmark can get information about t [...]


20 Oct 2021

Information och politiska beslut som rör nyanländas situation kopplat till coronakrisen

Samtliga nordiska länder har tagit fram riktad information om det nya coronaviruset till nyanlända. Utmaningen ligger i att nå ut med inf [...]

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