Nordic co-operation on integration and inclusion

It takes on average five to ten years for a refugee to find work in the Nordic countries. As social inclusion is closely linked to successful labour market integration, and as during this period the refugee represents a cost to society, the question of how to ensure access to the labour market has been a prominent issue on the political agenda.

Since the countries show both differences and similarities in their migration policies and practical solutions, the question is how we can learn from each other.

In 2016 the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a co-operation programme designed to support the national efforts on integration of refugees and immigrants. The Nordic Welfare Centre has the overall responsibility for the main project Nordic collaboration on integration of refugees and migrants in close collaboration with Nordregio. The aim of this project is to serve as an idea bank on the integration area, to map out existing knowledge and research, and to expand our common knowledge base on integration.

A report was produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre in 2017 and is the result of a  comparative study of policies and measures in place in the countries for achieving more efficient labour market integration of refugees. The scope of the report has been to focus on four aspects:

  • To what extent are practices of the early mapping of competences in place in each country – and what are the results so far?
  • How do the countries validate the work experience and qualifications of refugees – and what are the effects of validation for labour market entry?
  • How is language education combined with vocational training for faster integration into the labour market?
  • The role of civil society and informal networks in the integration process: Current status and untapped potential?

The report reveals a common understanding of important elements for sound integration into the labour market. The countries’ policies include early language training, competence mapping, skills assessment as well as recognition of foreign credentials and job search assistance and mentoring. Strategies and policies are illustrated by best practice initiatives, aimed to facilitate employment and to promote social inclusion based on evidence and expert assessments.

Although the is a high degree of consensus on key elements for a successful integration, several challenges remain. The major risk of alienation still lies in the gap between those who have work and those who do not.

Even if full integration of refugees is demanding and difficult to define, a less comprehensive and less ambitious approach will inevitably expose the countries in risk of long term integration failure, with large consequences both on a personal level and for the societies.

Download the report

Examples of good practice on labour market integration

Research on the theme


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Immigration & development

5 Apr 2024

New Book: Immigration and Integration in Denmark – A Comprehensive Overview

- From the 1980s to today [...]

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4 Apr 2024

Ethnic diversity and labour market inclusion

This report provides an overview of ethnic diversity in the workplace in Norway, and the status for labour market integration among people w [...]

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Barn och unga

25 Nov 2023

Report: Leisure jobs strengthen integration for young people with minority backgrounds

Young people from minority backgrounds benefit from targeted efforts to secure part-time or seasonal work. These are the findings of a recen [...]

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7 Jun 2022

Do migration policies work?

Exploring the role of migration policies on migration and migrant integration dynamics [...]

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16 May 2022

Matchningsinsatser för personer som nyligen fått uppehållstillstånd

Slutrapport för Jämställd etablering [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. Finland


13 May 2022

Systematic Review of Active Labor Market Policies’ Effects on Immigrants’ Employment

This systematic review describes the recent literature on integration programs and active labor market policies (ALMPs) that strive to enhan [...]

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8 May 2022

Scandinavian integration policies for refugees – An updated comparative analysis of qualification and labour-market integration outcomes.

This comparative study analyse labour market integration of adult refugees settled in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden between 2008 and 2019. Alt [...]

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Immigration & development

30 Mar 2022

Sammenhenger mellom etnisk mangfold og lønnsomhet i norske virksomheter

I denne rapporten undersøker vi sammenhengen mellom etnisk mangfold og lønnsomhet. Rapporten bygger på en kunnskapsoppsummering av eksist [...]



20 Mar 2022

Refugee migration and the labor market: lessons from 40 years of post-arrival policies in Denmark

Denmark has accepted refugees from a large variety of countries and for more than four decades. Denmark has also frequently changed policies [...]

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10 Nov 2021

Integration – gymnasiebetyg, vidare studier och arbetsmarknad

Syftet med denna rapport är att studera utbildningsvägar, sysselsättning och inkomst efter avslutade gymnasiestudier för unga med olika [...]

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1 Nov 2021

The unequal(?) burden of unemployment in Sweden during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures enforced to combat it have led to a decline in economic activity unprecedented sinc [...]

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20 Oct 2021

Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets – The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has made social and economic inequalities even more pronounced in the Nordic countries. In all countries, foreign-born [...]

Maps and statistics

Immigration & development

31 Aug 2022

Foreign-born population, total, 2000-2019

Immigration & development

31 Aug 2022

Population change (2020)


17 Dec 2021

Unemployment rates by region of birth 2019

The map shows employment rates 2019 of the native and the foreign-born population in different Nordic regions (NUTS 2 level). [...]

Immigration & development

29 Sep 2020

Employment rates of foreign-born and native-born persons by region and education 2019

The map shows employment rates 2019 of the native and the foreign-born population in different Nordic regions (NUTS 2 level). [...]

Immigration & development

8 Feb 2018

Female international net migration rate in 2015

This map shows the international net migration rate for females in 2015. International migration refers to the migration to and from abroad [...]

Examples of best practice for the theme


Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees

KHRS ApS – en servicevirksomhed inden for integrationsområdet

At hjælpe udsatte borgere og integrationsborgere med at få fodfæste på det danske arbejdsmarked. [...]

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Labour Market Integration of Refugees


MatchIT är en unik metod som kombinerar en rad insatser för att på bästa sätt rusta deltagarna inför arbetslivet. [...]

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Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees

Jämställd etablering (ESF-Projekt) – Matchning från dag 1

Regeringen gav 2017 Arbetsförmedlingen i uppdrag att redovisa en handlingsplan för hur myndigheten ska öka andelen utrikesfödda kvinnor [...]

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Labour Market Integration of Refugees


Jobbsprånget är ett praktikprogram för nyanlända som drivs av Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA, i samarbete med Arbetsförmed [...]

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New arrivals as a resource for the rural area

En säker hamn

Kraftsamling för kommuner, myndigheter och tredje sektorn för att utveckla samarbetet vid flyktingmottagning och integration på Åland. [...]

NVC logo. NVC logo. Finland

Labour Market Integration of Refugees

Social bonds – Nyanlända i fokus för sociala innovationer

Finland satsar på ett obligationsprogram för sociala innovationer för att få fler nyanlända i jobb. Målet är att 2000 nyanlända ska [...]

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Labour Market Integration of Refugees

Svenska för yrkesutbildade, Sfx

Svenska för yrkesutbildade är svenskundervisning med fokus på yrkesspråket. Det ger också en möjlighet att lära sig hur arbetsmarknad [...]

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Labour Market Integration of Refugees

Integreringsmottak – Raskere integrering

Målgruppen i integreringsmottakene er personer i asylmottak som nylig har fått oppholdstillatelse, men som ikke er bosatt, samt asylsøker [...]

Seminars on the theme







Invitation to Hybrid event: Which Nordic country is best at qualification and labour-marked integration for refugees?

The Nordic Council of Ministers and NIBR invites you to the launch of the research report Scandinavian integration policies for refugees: A [...]

News on the theme

Immigration & development

8 Apr 2024

Norsk rapport bruger nye indikatorer til at måle skævheder på arbejdsmarkedet

Rapport fra det norske integrations- og mangfoldighedsdirektorat, IMDi, måler diversitet og inklusion på arbejdsmarkedet. [...]


4 Apr 2024

Report: Four in ten immigrants in Sweden do not feel integrated into society

According to a recent study, 41% of people who immigrated to Sweden between 1980 and 2024 do not identify as part of Swedish society. [...]


19 Feb 2024

Fler utrikesfödda behövs på arbetsmarknaden – nu riktas fokus mot arbetsgivarna

Trots arbetskraftsbrist i de nordiska länderna står många invandrare och flyktingar inför svårigheter att hitta jobb. Vad hindrar arbet [...]


13 Feb 2024

Call for projects: Integration of refugees and immigrants in the Nordic region

The Nordic Council of Ministers has opened a DKK 2,500,000 pool for the financing of projects in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Icelan [...]

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