Knowledge bank for research and exchange of experience in the area of ​​integration in the Nordic region

Call for projects: Integration of refugees and immigrants in the Nordic region

Integration, Education, Work

13 Feb 2024

The Nordic Council of Ministers has opened a DKK 2,500,000 pool for the financing of projects in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland plus the three autonomous Nordic territories.

The projects should support the integration and inclusion of refugees and immigrants in the Nordic countries. You can apply for amounts between 500,000 DKK and 1,500,000 DKK.

The strategic vision of securing a competitive and socially sustainable Nordic region is among the primary goals for the integration programme in the Nordic cooperation.

Projects should meet one or more of the following thematic objectives:

A competitive Nordic Region

  • Assisting refugees and immigrants in leveraging their skills and potential, such as through education and upskilling.
  • This must be achieved through the development of solutions to the challenges that the future of working life will present. For instance, which requires refugees and immigrants to have the digital and language skills they need to thrive in the labour market.

A socially sustainable Nordic Region

  • Assisting refugees and immigrants in participating actively in society, including in sport and associations.
    This should be achieved by contributing to knowledge and projects on the strengthening of community, trust, and non-discrimination at both an individual and structural level.
  • Attempting to reduce the disparity in work participation between men and women, such as by raising awareness of the barriers that women in particular face in relation to participation.

Projects will also be assessed in relation to the extent to which they meet the following objectives of the pool:

  • Strengthening Nordic co-operation on integration by prioritising the exchange information and experiences and generation of new knowledge
  • Spreading and sharing knowledge and experiences of integration
  • Bringing Nordic stakeholders together

The application deadline is 16 June 2024. 

Read more about the conditions here.

For further information, please contact Anna-Maria Mosekilde, Project Officer, Nordic Council of Ministers, at


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