Rapport -
5 feb 2024
Labour market integration of adults with alcohol and substance use problems in the Nordic countries
How are adults who have a problematic use of alcohol and/or other substances integrated into the labour market? This question is t [...]
Rapport -
13 dec 2023
Employers’ perspectives on hiring immigrants – Experiences from the Nordic countries
This report dives into the perspectives of Nordic employers on hiring low-skilled immigrants. Its objective is to uncover both opp [...]
Rapport -
14 jun 2023
Barriers to employment for vulnerable groups in the Nordic countries
This report is a knowledge overview on employment barriers that vulnerable groups face in the Nordic countries. The groups includ [...]
Rapport -
7 dec 2022
Implementation of temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine – A systematic review of the Nordic countries
An overview of how the Temporary Protection Directive and the national protection schemes have been implemented in the Nordic coun [...]
Rapport -
25 okt 2022
Combatting long-term unemployment among immigrants beyond the Covid-19 pandemic
This report documents and compares how immigrants have been affected by long-term unemployment, and investigates policies and init [...]
Rapport -
17 mar 2022
Leaving Boys Behind? The Gender Gap in Education among Children and Young People from Foreign Backgrounds 2010–2020: A Nordic Review
This report discusses the observed gender gap in education, i.e. that girls are performing better in the Nordic school system than [...]
Rapport -
17 nov 2020
Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in Nordic cities through policy and planning – Executive Summary
Nordic cities have traditionally been characterised by low levels of segregation and inequality. However, in recent years there ha [...]
Rapport -
24 apr 2020
Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis of labour market integration outcomes
This report is an abridged version of the report Nordic integration and settlement policies for refugees: A comparative analysis o [...]
Rapport -
1 apr 2020
Mental health and well-being of unaccompanied minors: A Nordic overview
Research and evaluation of specific interventions to support mental health among unaccompanied minors is sorely needed, according [...]
Rapport -
4 feb 2020
Tidiga insatser för nyanlända barn, unga och föräldrar i Norden – evidens och lovande arbetssätt
I rapporten beskrivs och analyseras insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i d [...]
Rapport -
17 sep 2019
Policy Briefs – Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets
The following policy briefs are excerpts from the report Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets: [...]
Rapport -
29 mar 2019
Den segregerade staden – En nordisk översikt
Problem som rör segregation och integration utgör viktiga ansvarsområden och utmaningar för städer, en segregerad stadsmiljö [...]
Rapport -
20 okt 2017
Etableringsprocessen i de nordiska länderna
I denna rapport görs en genomgång av etableringsprocessen i de nordiska länderna. [...]
Rapport -
10 maj 2017
Hälsning till Nordens politiker och ensamkommande
I det här häftet hittar du information om samhällets mottagande av ensamkommande unga i Norden, samt intervjuer med ungdomar so [...]
Rapport -
1 feb 2017
Samhällets mottagande av ensamkommande i Norden
RÄTTELSE: Siffrorna i Tabell 1 på sidan 9 behöver förtydligas eftersom tabellen felaktigt kan läsas som att det 2015 i värld [...]