Webinarium: Working Life, Alcohol, and Labour Market Integration – A Nordic Insight
Join us for a collaborative webinar from the Nordic Welfare Centre and NIVA Education on working life, alcohol, and labour market integration from a Nordic perspective.
Alcohol use in the workplace is an issue that affects employees, employers, and society as a whole. In this webinar, we’ll take a closer look at the current landscape in the Nordic countries, examining how alcohol consumption influences working life and how it intersects with labour market participation.
The webinar will focus on:
- What are the alcohol habits in different occupational groups? Which groups should we be particularly aware of?
- Does increased remote work affect alcohol consumption? How should this issue be adressed from an employer's perspective?
- What are the socio-economic consequences of alcohol, for example, in terms of lost productivity?
- How can we support individuals with reintegrating into the labour market? Are there any effective initiatives or interventions that work better than others?
We’ll present findings from reports published by CAN, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, and the Nordic Welfare Centre.
- Mats Ramstedt, Head of research, The Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN).
- Inger Synnøve Moan, Senior Researcher, Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs, Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
- Talieh Sadeghi, Senior Researcher, Work Research Institute at Oslo Metropolitan University.
Target audience:
Individuals who work with the above questions in practice, such as HR professionals, as well as others with an interest in this area.
The webinar will be held in English via Zoom.
All registered participants will get a link to the webinar via e-mail.