Webinar: Roadmap for Service Innovation
Roadmap for service innovation is the most sophisticated tool in the Nordics, which supports digital transformation of earlier physical services into distance spanning services by using digital technology.
We will arrange a webinar on this topic on the 3rd of November at 13.00-14.30 o´clock (CET).
Our webinar will highlight that structure and a systematic approach is essential for successful digital transformation. In general, we know that digital transformation of healthcare and social care has, after the pandemic outbreak of Covid 19, been a priority for many healthcare and social care institutions, at the same time we now see that some institutions are going back to business as usual. Our message is that distance spanning services are available for most patient groups that we view to be our most vulnerable citizens. We can, with distance spanning services, provide our citizens with an equally good and functional option as the to the physical meeting alternative.
Experts will take part at the seminar and we will provide you with insights from two peope from the field:
- Kristin Standal, from the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS). Kristin Standal is responsible for the National Welfare Technology programme which actively support service innovation connected to social care and healthcare within 80 percent of the municipalities in Norway. KS is the body that has developed Veikart før tjensteinnovation (Roadmap for service innovation).
- Katarzyna Wikström, from Local Healthcare district of South Lapland, of Region Västerbotten in Sweden. This local healthcare district is one of four model areas in Sweden to demonstrate a system for good quality local healthcare, which connects to the primary care reform that are currently on the table of the swedish government. Katarzyna Wikström is the process manager, leading the transformation in the local healthcare district of South Lapland.
Read more about Roadmap for Service Innovation: https://nordicwelfare.org/en/projekt/healthcare-and-care-with-distance-spanning-technologies/