NO: Temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine in the Nordic countries – From emergency reception to longer-term sustainable response
Event co-organized by UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries and the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Six months into the welcoming of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, it is time to have a look at how the temporary protection schemes have been implemented in the Nordic countries. While there are many similarities, the countries have also used different approaches to the reception of refugees from Ukraine.
At the event we will launch a Nordic report Implementation of temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine in the Nordic countries that provides an overview of the practices in the five countries. At the seminar, researchers, refugees from Ukraine and representatives from administration and civil society will bring their perspectives to the topic.
The seminar also provides an opportunity for dialogue and exchange of experiences and knowledge. How are the needs of the refugees from Ukraine met in the Nordic countries and how can the countries make the most of their experiences? How should the countries act to safeguard the refugees’ health and welfare and mitigate vulnerabilities? What other issues must be solved when going from emergency reception to a longer-term response?
We invite both public authorities and civil society/non-state actors to contribute with your perspectives and join us for a knowledge exchange across countries and sectors.
Registration and coffee from 10.30
Moderator: Matts Lindqvist, Senior Communications Advisor, Nordic Council of Ministers & Nordic Council
Part I (Available both onsite and online)
11.00 – 11.20 Welcome and introduction
Key introductory notes
Henrik M. Nordentoft, UNHCR Representative in the Nordic and Baltic Countries
Helle Glen Petersen, Head of Department, Nordic Council of Ministers
11.20 – 12.00 Presentation of the report “Implementation of temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine. A systematic review of the Nordic countries”
Anna Berlina, Nordregio
Commentaries and discussion
Benedicte Hollen, Head of Section, The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi)
12.00 – 12.45 Refugee perspectives on the reception in the Nordic Countries
Sanna Sutter, Director of Development and Steering, Department of Migration, Ministry of Interior, Finland
Rania Elgindy, Associate legal Officer, UNHCR
Olga Biesha, Svenska med Baby
Part II (On site only)
12.45 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 14.30 Sharing knowledge, experiences and practices on the reception and integration of Ukrainian refugees
Dialogue and exchange in groups. Migration authorities will form one group and civil society/non-state actors will form one group.
Facilitators: Bernd Parusel, The Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS and Pål Nesse, Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee break
15.00 – 15.45 Key take-aways from the group discussions: What have we done well? What can be strengthened? What are the priorities in the coming months?
Panel discussion with State and civil society representatives
Bernd Parusel, The Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS and Pål Nesse, Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers
Sanna Sutter, Director of Development and Steering, Department of Migration, Ministry of Interior, Finland
Olga Biesha, Svenska med Baby
Benedicte Hollen, Head of Section, the Directorate of Integration and Diversity
Anne La Cour, Head of Asylum Department, Danish Red Cross
15.45 –16.00 Conclusions and wrap-up