Nordiskt samarbete om integration och inkludering

Multilingual early childhood education and care for young refugee children

Barn och unga, Utbildning

2 mar 2021

This is the Toolbox of the Erasmus+ project Multilingual early childhood education and care for young refugee children. In this project (2016-2019) we made an inventory of the existing services, activities and programmes for young children from refugee and asylum-seeking families in the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and the United Kingdom.

The project has three intellectual outputs (IO), presented here in the Toolbox:


Country reports

For each country an overview of the state of the art of services for young refugee children.

The Netherlands


United Kingdom

Quality indicators

A list of quality indicators that specify the characteristics of high-quality approaches, programmes and services for this particular target group.

Indicators of Quality of ECEC for Young Refugee Children

Training packages

A training package in the form of scenario’s involving refugee children in preschool centres. These are followed by the actual reactions of the teachers/childcare professionals/volunteers. Each scenario is accompanied by a number of reflective questions for professionals (such as: ‘what is according to you the issue here?’ and ‘what would you do in such a situation?’).

Read more at Sarde’s homepage


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