Neighbourhood Mothers
Labour Market Integration of Female Refugees, COVID-19, Integration of newly arrived children and families
The Neighbourhood Mothers are primarily women with an ethnic minority background, who do a voluntary effort in their local area by supporting isolated and vulnerable women. The Neighbourhood Mothers listen, convey important information, and build bridges between the woman and the area iin which she lives, which can help the woman further on. The help gives the women strength, so they can help themselves, their children and their family.
The idea of the Neighbourhood Mothers is quite unique and is a concept that society needs. The Neighbourhood Mothers remove a missing link between the isolated, vulnerable women and their local area. They create contact to a group of isolated women, who do not know much about the society they live in and who face challenges with the Danish language. Furthermore, these women often have a lack of trust to the municipal system. The Neighbourhood Mothers can establish trusting and equal conversations with vulnerable women, because they live in the same local area and can talk in their native language. The Neighbourhood Mothers also have an experience with “being new” in Denmark.
The Knowledge of the Neighbourhood Mothers
The Neighbourhood Mothers know what it means to be a woman, a mother and arriving in a new country. The personal knowledge is combined with factual knowledge in the basic education of the Neighbourhood Mothers. The Neighbourhood Mothers are taught in 14 different subjects about e.g. family life and the offers from the municipality. They pass on the knowledge to the vulnerable women. Then the women can make choices based on the knowledge from the Neighbourhood Mothers.
The Neighbourhood Mothers’ role in the local area
The Neighbourhood Mothers should be seen as a part of a larger initiative in a local area, not as an initiative next to or in competition with other existing initiatives. The Neighbourhood Mothers become a part of the existing initiatives in the local area through cooperation in establishing e.g. a summer party or a café for women. Furthermore, other people refer the vulnerable women to the Neighbourhood Mothers.
The methods of the Neighbourhood Mothers
- Conversation – The Neighbourhood Mothers talk to women about subjects, which are relevant for the specific woman.
- Building bridges – The Neighbourhood Mothers build bridges between the women and the local area, e.g. informing the women about the offers from the municipality and other associations.
- Network – The Neighbourhood Mothers support women in meeting other women and attending different events.
Information and links
Read more at Neighborhood Mothers’ webbsite
Here you can download a description of the basic education of the Neighbourhood Mothers
For more information please contact the National Organisation at
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