Kunskapsbank för forskning och erfarenhetsutbyte inom integrationsområdet i Norden

New members for Nordic Migrant Expert Forum


11 sep 2024

Are you an expert on integration issues and have a migrant background? Do you want to influence policy and practice for good integration of refugees and immigrants in the Nordic region?

The Nordic Council of Ministers is seeking experts with migrant backgrounds to provide professional input on key integration issues in the new program period 2025-2027.

Each member of the expert group must meet the following criteria

  • represent an organisation that works with integration, or participate as an individual expert in an area relevant to the integration of refugees and immigrants
  • have knowledge of one or more of the following areas: the labour market; education and training; health care and social care; gender equality; democracy and citizenship; segregation
  • be born outside the Nordic Region and have migrated to a Nordic country
  • master a Nordic language and/or English fluently.

Apply at the latest 13.10.2024. The selection process is expected to be completed by 1.12.2024. Read more and find the application form here.

Read more: Migranteksperter rådgiver ministerrådet om integration

For more information, please contact Anna-Maria Mosekilde, senior adviser, Nordic Council of Ministers, annmos@norden.org.

Top photo: Martin Thaulow


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