Online advice on how to increase the number of refugees who are employed in paid work after participation in the introduction programme
7 Jun 2018
The overall objective of this Norwegian project is to identify measures that municipalities can take to increase the number of refugees who are employed in paid work after participation in the introduction programme
The study consists of a brief mapping of research and statistics that has formed the basis for a selection of five municipalities with variations in population, geography and composition of introduction programme participants.
Case studies have been done in Asker, Rælingen, Stange, Trondheim and Volda. The studies have been conducted with qualitative interviews and observations. The project has a special focus on content and quality in the guidance of participants in the introduction programme.
The report identifies ten key elements that characterize the guidance in the introduction programme of the five case municipalities, which succeed in transitioning programme participants to paid workers.
These ten key elements are:
1) Creating trust between the participant and the program guide,
2) Thorough follow-up guidance throughout the introduction program,
3) Differentiated guidance adjusted to the individual participant,
4) Early contact with the labour market and local community through practice placements,
5) Involvement and accountability of the participants,
6) Multicultural guidance, 7) Joint methodological competence among program guides,
8) Employee’s leeway for flexible and new solutions,
9) Supportive working environment among the guides involved in the introduction programme,
10) Interdisciplinary cooperation within and outside the public sector service apparatus.
These key elements are briefly presented in this report with further reference to complementary text in the online digital pamphlet presented on the KS websites.
Film: Råd om veiledning i introduksjonsprogrammet
(In Norwegian)